Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
Our Shared Sabbatical Journey by Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
Home for the Holidays? by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
New Adult Learning Classes by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Unitarians and Christmas by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Special Council Meeting – Preserving Institutional Wisdom by Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
When the Weather Outisde is Frightful by Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator
The “Ask Me Table” – Coming Soon by Holly Bussey, Membership Ministry
UUA Holiday Message from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President, Unitarian Universalist Association
What You’re Saying When You Say “I Don’t Need a Mic” by Rev. Erika Hewitt
Join uUS and Fellow UUs at General Assembly by Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs
Congregational Life Council by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Year-End Appeal: Holiday House Gift
Calling All People With Fundraising Ideas for UUCWC!
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Our Shared Sabbatical Journey
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
For over half a decade, I have come to this place and to you. And within that time I have changed in spirit, in title, in theology. In these years together I became a parent, twice over. Gone from solo minister to supervising minister to senior minister. I have made mistakes and worked to forgive yours. I have celebrated joys – yours and mine. I have buried people we love, and dedicated children to the stars from which they came. I have officiated your marriages and cried with you when your partnerships have ended. Doubt and despair has overwhelmed me but the requirement to come to you with a different word than defeat has grown my soul at a speed faster than birth years could mark.
And now sabbatical. This gift and grace. An offering of time and energy. Amorphous things. Unholdable. And yet, still it feels so very tangible – even the idea of what Sabbatical may mean feels like a parental figure who has stopped me mid run through the living room, afraid I’m about to crash into the glass table. Sabbatical takes a minister by the shoulders, breathes, looks her in the eyes and says sternly and lovingly, “I want you to slow down.” Read more…
This is excerpted from Rev. Kim’s sermon on December 15, 2019, her final Sunday sermon before her sabbatical. You can read the full sermon here.
More information on Rev. Kim’s sabbatical, including an FAQ brochure, is available here.
Home for the Holidays?
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Oh, the holidays. Oh boy. Yippee! Oh wow! I can’t wait. Omg I want to hide under the covers. Most of us experience some of these feelings around this time of year. In fact, some of us experience each of these feelings—in cycles.
Holidays roll around switching up our schedules and redirecting our priorities. …I want to issue an advisory of sorts because we have just finished Thanksgiving and it is now December. You have the right to take care of yourselves, especially during the holiday season. You each carry great love in your heart. Make sure you give some to yourself. Put another way: please respect the inherent worth and dignity of each person; beginning with yourself. Read more…
New Adult Learning Classes
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
We have great new classes coming up in Adult Learning in January and February: A Survey of World Religions, Becoming Unafraid of Death, and Mindful Movement: Self-Care and Spirituality. Chalice Circles are onging. Registration is at https://www.uucwc.org/learning/adult-learning-classes/. Read more…

Unitarians and Christmas
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
In many ways, Unitarians made Christmas what it is today. Of course, Christmas is the celebration of a Palestinian prophet named Yeshua, or Jesus. The early Christian church celebrated his birthday in April and then in June. They then co-opted the yule and solstice of the Earth-based religions and the first Christmas celebrated in December was in 380 CE. Since then, Christmas has been transformed – and Unitarians were at the forefront of this transformation. Read more…
Special Council Meeting on January 4
Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees invites all leaders in the congregation to a special Council meeting on Saturday, January 4, from 9am to 12:30pm. We will focus on capturing institutional wisdom to update our policies and procedures. This is a way to express how we do things so that current and future leaders can have the information available to them.

When the Weather Outside is Frightful
Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator
As we head into the winter weather season, it seems like a good time to review the Inclement Weather policy at UUCWC. The primary consideration in any decision to close is the safety of members, friends, and visitors who participate in church events, as well as the staff. Here are some highlights from the policy. Read more…

The “Ask Me” Table – Coming Soon!
Holly Bussey, Membership Ministry
Are you a new member? An established member with a question about what’s happening? A visitor? Consider dropping by the “Ask Me” table. What is the Ask Me table? It’s a new way to meet one on one and ask questions you may not know who else to ask, or where to turn when it comes to UUCWC happenings, governance, committee work etc. Read more…
Stay tuned for dates and details.
UUA Holiday Message
A Message of Hope and Renewal from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
The winter season is a time of quiet reflection, gatherings, and rituals that invite us to hold the realities of sacrifice and community, of hardship and hope. In this video message, I share some of the ways I hold on to hope and renew my commitment to justice and community building. Our Unitarian Universalist faith has room to hold it all—and room to hold us all. Watch the video here. |
What You’re Saying When You Say “I Don’t Need a Mic”
Rev. Erika Hewitt
One of ableism’s most sinister characteristics is the portrayal, both conscious and unconscious, of able bodies as the preferred norm. In the words of Rev. Suzanne Fast, this “reinforces societal attitudes that people with disabilities are worth less” than those with able bodies.
Regrettably, this devaluing of people with disabilities occurs with dismaying frequency in our Unitarian Universalist congregations and organizations. One of its most prevalent forms is the phrase, “I don’t need a microphone.” Read more…
Congregational LIfe Council
Rev. Sue Goodwin
Change is inevitable and can be delightful. Our Membership Ministry is undergoing changes right now. We have created “teams” that fall under the banner of the Congregational Life Council. The following are our teams, to date, along with their current Team Leaders. Read more…
If you have an interest in any of these areas of connection and participation, please contact Rev. Sue.
End-of Year Appeal
The HOLIDAY HOUSE GIFT is a very special way to contribute to the life of the church during the holiday season. Your Year-End gift helps support all the things that make UUCWC so important in our lives, and in the life of the community.
You may bring your gift to the church office or hand it in on a Sunday morning, or make your donation online via a credit card or Paypal. However you choose to do it — please join us in supporting the life and work of our church.


Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org