The UUCWC church building will be closed until further notice;
essential staff and Sunday service leaders only.
Although the church building is closed, we are still doing church, continuing to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Staff are working from home but are keeping a watchful eye on our building and grounds to ensure that everything will be in good condition for our return. The Board has approved these requirements for use of the church grounds.

Sending Love in the Holiday Spirit
This has been a challenging year, and the upcoming holidays offer more of the same: thinking of what was, missing loved ones, feeling isolated, and prioritizing safety when we most want to be with others. Holiday exuberance is replaced by holiday precautions. But we have also learned an invaluable lesson this year: we have answered the call to go deeper and be more creative in finding connection. We may not be physically in each other’s presence, but we trust our place in each other’s thoughts and hearts. We may find ourselves reaching out in different ways: in phone calls and emailed messages, with Zoom celebrations and drive-by greetings. We are not, in fact, alone but are present with each other in heart and mind and spirit.
We hold in our hearts those who are feeling sadness, and send our love and support. We reach out with recognition and appreciation to all those in our community who continue their good work despite the obstacles. We help as we can those beyond our congregation with action and support. We hold fast to old and new connections, knowing they will be there, stronger and deeper because they have been so missed, and will be that much more appreciated when we can safely come together again.
In this holiday spirit, the UUCWC staff sends their love, support and appreciation to you all, with wishes for a peaceful holiday and a hopeful new year.
In gratitude and love,
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Robin Pugh, Susan Irgang, Caryl Tipton, Steve Ryan and Roberto Santiago

UUCWC Board Goals for 2020 – 2021
Nathalie Edmond, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
As we settle into this 2020 – 2021 congregational year, your Board of Trustees and staff honors just how challenging this time is for each of us. We share the approved Board goals for this fiscal year based on the seven Board Practices that were used last year. Read more…
UUCWC’s Board of Trustees
The Board’s goals for 2020-2021 were shared at a Church Council meeting.
Find out more about the UUCWC Board of Trustees, and minutes of past Board meetings, on the Board page. You can contact the Board of Trustees at |
Capital Project Update
Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign/Project
The Capital Project Steering Committee is thrilled to report that we reached another milestone with the issuance of the civil, structural, architectural and mechanical/electrical/plumbing bid documents to five general contractors. Bids will be due on December 16 and a site walkthrough with the general contractors was conducted on December 1.
The project scope of work has been expanded to include floor finishes in the current lobby, the hallways leading back to the ground and first floor classrooms and new floor and wall finishes for the Crossings room. Although eliminating the trellis along the front of the building will allow us to redirect funds to better address issues inside the building, the bid cost vs the budget will determine if this work can be done along with the original planned renovations, or if it may need to happen later. Read more…
Thank you so very much to all who have pledged and are continuing to pay their Capital Campaign pledges! If you have not yet had a chance to contribute, please reach out to us at

Coming Attractions
by Barbara Drew, Co-Chair, Earth Ministry
While you weren’t looking, there have been some new additions to the UUCWC Grounds and perhaps you will discover them when you next visit the property. Thanks to a grant from UUCWC’s Endowment Fund, and a grant from Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, along with Earth Ministry funds, the Earth Ministry Team and Grounds Committee planted 28 small trees and shrubs in the three parking berms to enhance the front yard and wildlife habitat of our property. The plantings provide screening between the parking lot and residents or drivers along Washington Crossing-Pennington Road. Read more…
Book Project for Malcolm
The ROMEOs, JULIETs luncheon group and JULIETs dinner group have completed a project in loving memory of Malcolm Wildszewski. Following the lead of Rev. Kim and Tara Wildszewski, books are being donated to local pediatric offices through the Reach Out and Read program. Nearly 500 children’s books were donated equally to Bellevue Pediatric (Ewing), Henry J. Austin (HJA) Health Center (Trenton) and Einstein Holland Pediatrics (Southampton PA). Photos show HJA staff member Dr. Rachel Evans, as well as Rev. Kim and Tara, and UUCWC project coordinators Lori Rahn, Nancy Cox and Bonnie Ruekgauer. We hope to repeat these donations in the future.
UUA GA 2021 To Be Virtual – Start Planning Now
Circle ‘Round for Justice ● Healing ● Courage
by Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs
General Assembly 2021 will be a 100% virtual event. Let’s reach record-breaking attendance on June 23-27, 2021. It’s not too soon to make your plans to attend. It’s a connecting experience. Chat with others who attended last year virtually by contacting Registration is open and is $200 per person for virtual GA 2021. Financial support for registration as well as a payment plan are available. Read more…
Information on joining the virtual services will be emailed to you the day prior to the service.
December 20, 10am
Celebrating the Wisdom
of Winter
A service celebrating Solstice partnered with our first ever Virtual Christmas Pageant!
December 24, 8pm
Christmas Eve Service
I Believe Even When
UUCWC Year-End Appeal
Holiday House Gift
The HOLIDAY HOUSE GIFT is a very special way to contribute to the life of the church during the holiday season. This effort supports everything from faith engagement to membership, from our staff to our food ministry — all the things that make the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing so important in our lives, and in the life of the community. More info and to donate…

Holiday Greetings from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
In This Holiday Season,
May We Simply Be
Memorial Trees
Steve Saddlemire, Grounds Committee
The Grounds Committee has had a long planned project to identify and label the memorial trees located on the church property. Utilizing the historical perspective of Bernie Ruekgauer, we found the trees for Donald Kahn, Art Shafer, Catherine Hager, Chris Lahoda, Ruth Rosenberg, Jack Sharp, Rudy Turner, Barbara Livingstone, Robert Wheeler, William Kuestner, Charles Nugent and Philo Elmer. Unfortunately, several memorial trees had succumbed to disease and were no longer available for a plaque.
Please take a moment to wander around the grounds and find someone you remember and smile knowing they have been memorialized for all to see.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |