Rev. Kim is on Sabbatical
After serving the UUCWC congregation since 2014, our senior minister, Rev. Kim Wildszewski, is on sabbatical. She will return on May 3. During this time, Rev. Sue Goodwin is preaching and providing pastoral care. More information on Rev. Kim’s sabbatical, including an FAQ brochure, is available here.
Rev. Kim’s Sabbatical Team is also available for questions or assistance about the day-to-day operations of the church, a project, concern or celebration.
Six Ideas for Building Resilience
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
How do we build resilience so that we can manage life’s challenges?
1. Try to avoid spinning. Resilient people tend to be COPERS. They don’t say: “Why me?? What can I do to be released from this horrible situation?” Resilient people say “Why not me?” Bad things happen to everyone.
2. Resilient people cultivate support and seek support. Read more… |

Reflections on Rev. Kim’s Sabbatical
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
By the time you read this, Rev. Kim’s sabbatical will be almost half over. I want to share with you an article I wrote when my first UU minister announced she was leaving. Kim is not leaving, but her sabbatical brings up similar feelings for me of loss and commitment to the congregation. Read more…
Robin can be reached at dre@uucwc.org.
Meet the Family Ministry Team
Colleen McCourt, Family Ministry Team
At UUCWC, we’re always looking to create, nurture and deepen connections and be in community with each other. In that spirit, the past year saw the formation of the Family Ministry Team, a group of congregants charged with exploring the diverse experiences and needs of families within the congregation.
The members of the Family Ministry Team include Stephanie Golski, Jen Couchoud, Bonnie Milecki, Andy Snyder and Colleen McCourt, working closely with DRE Robin Pugh. All members of the team are parents – with children spanning a range of ages – and we have all been involved with various aspects of the current RE program. We have had the opportunity to meet throughout the last several months to evaluate the current and future state of family life at UUCWC. Read more…
Inspired to Lead
Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
Recently in a board meeting we were discussing why people choose to serve in various leadership roles at UUCWC. I thought I would share their remarks as some of you consider stepping in and out of leadership roles. Read more…
Stewardship Campaign 2020 – 2021
The Stewardship Team
The UUCWC Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce that we kicked off our 2020-2021 Congregational Pledge Campaign on February 9 and will continue through March.
Our Stewardship theme this year is focused on our mission, Creating Community, Celebrating Life, and Changing the World! Please stop by the Stewardship Committee table before or after services to pick up your pledge envelope if you haven’t yet done so. In it you’ll find a letter, a brochure describing what your pledges help support, and information about Phase 2 of the Capital Campaign, which was also initiated on February 9. Read more…

Stewardship and Capital Campaign – A Personal Note
Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign/Project
During the February 9th Stewardship and Capital Campaign kickoff Sunday Service, Laura Wall spoke words that resonated strongly for me. Laura said “I’ve spent my career running non-profit organizations and am currently the Executive Director of CASA for Children, here in Mercer County. For all the work that I do in the community, and for all the support that I provide to organizations that I care about, my largest gift by far is to UUCWC. That is because I receive so much from this place – it nourishes and supports me – but it’s also because I view this church as vitally important.” I feel much the same way about UUCWC. It is my community, my intentional family. Read more…
Capital Campaign/Capital Project Update and pictures of the planned expansion.
Information sessions:
Sunday, March 8: Stewardship and Capital Project Updates after both services at 10:15am and 12:15pm
Sunday March 29: Capital Campaign Q&A, after both services at 10:15am and 12:15pm
Dispelling Nominating Myths
Sandy Muccioli, Chair, Nominating Committee
Do you want to run in the opposite direction when you hear about the Nominating Committee? You aren’t alone. When UUCWC had fewer members, it seemed the same people were targeted to join or chair committees just to be stuck there for what seemed an eternity. This is not the case!
The fact is, our thriving Church community is energized by our leadership. Most see service to our community as a spiritual practice of love. The term for most positions is only two years with an option to “re-up” for a second term. You can learn new skills in a safe ‘on the job’ environment, or add your leadership service to your resume. Read more…
Where Our 50% of the Plate Monies Go – February 2020 Update
Holly Bussey and Lynne Quinto, Coordinators, Faith Expression and Funding Team
The Faith Expression and Funding Team, part of the Council for Faith in Action (CFA), is responsible for the distribution of the 50% of the weekly plate allocated to social justice causes. Is there an organization that you are passionate about, that you feel puts your faith in action? Contact us for details on submitting a funding request. Thanks to your generosity, UUCWC was recently able to provide funding for the following organizations and projects. Read more…
Owning Your Religious Past
Wednesdays, March 18, 25, April1, April 8, from 7 – 8:30pm
Facilitated by Robin Pugh
Consider the people, clubs, and religious institutions that had a shaping influence on your spirituality. Through personal reflection and small group discussions, examine what you might decide to leave behind, what to re-define, and who you hope to become as a Unitarian Universalist. All are welcome, whether new to UUCWC or long-time members and friends. The first session of this class will be part of the programming at Welcome Table Wednesday. All are invited to attend the first session with no commitment to the following three.
Save the Dates
February 23
Quiet Coffee Hour
February 25, 7:30pm and March 1 after each service
Promoting Democracy
February 26, 6:30pm
Church Council Meeting
February 27, 5pm
I Am Jazz reading
March 7, 8:00pm
Cosmic Crossings Concert
March 18, 6:15pm
Welcome Table Wednesday
March 21, 6pm
UUCWC Annual Variety Show
Participants wanted! All ages and all talents!
March 22, 5pm
Potluck and film screening,
The Eagle and the Condor
March 27, 28
Loaves & Fishes
Sign-up now open
March 27 – 29
Jubilee Anti-Racism Workshop
Registration now open; sponsored by the Central East Region of the UUA, at the UU Church of Delaware County
Earth Ministry 2020 Events
UUCWC Calendar
UUCWC Auction 2020!
Silent Auction Sundays
April 19 and April 26
Live Auction
Saturday, May 2
See the auction page for info, including contribution ideas. Contact the auction team to help out!

Welcome Table Wednesday
March 18, 6:15pm
It’s coming back, by popular demand! Another opportunity to do what we all do so well: to extend a warm welcome to new members and visitors, and to re-connect with dear friends in our beloved community, all in the relaxed setting of food and fellowship! The light meal of soup, salad, and dessert will be followed by a “Quick Connection” activity. Read more…
Quiet Coffee Hour
February 23
There will be a quiet coffee hour in Room 201 after the service on February 23. Come, sit in a comfy chair and enjoy coffee, snacks and good conversation with old friends and meet new ones.
UU The Vote
The UUA has launched a nationwide campaign to “UU the Vote” and get Unitarian-Universalists mobilized for electoral justice.
Every congregation is encouraged to work with local partner organizations (UU & non-UU) doing non-partisan work in some or all of the following areas:
Voter registration & voter turnout; Combatting voter suppression; Values-based issue conversations with potential voters; Turning our building & grounds into a community-organizing hub by offering free or low-cost space to local organizations doing electoral or issue-based work.
Email UUCWC’s Faith Action Ministry by Feb. 29 wtih your ideas and/or to let them know of your interest in this project. |
Kinship Circles
The Kinship Circles Program was developed as a means to bring together 3-4 households to create meaningful, intentional connections. Circles are multi-generational and provide the structure and impetus to deepen relationships with other congregants through regular social interaction, and are open to members and long-time friends of UUCWC. Contact Penny Gardner, kinship@uucwc.org, for info.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org