The New Issue of CrossCurrents is Here! The New Issue of CrossCurrents is Here!
By Scott Cullen, CrossCurrents Editor
My least favorite month of the year is January. It’s a massive letdown after the holidays, and this year, well, I don’t even want to talk about it. (If you’ve ever seen the movie Five Easy Pieces, you may have picked up on the “I don’t want to talk about it” reference as I toss around movie references this month.)
On the bright side, this edition of CrossCurrents has 10 articles that will keep you updated on what’s happening at UUCWC and beyond our walls.
Until the next issue, peace.
Finance Committee Update 2025: Good News and Challenges
By Sandee Steinberg, Finance Committee Chair
Halfway through our fiscal year, we are running ahead of our estimated pledge collections and slightly below our budgeted expenses. Due to previous finance teams’ hard work and planning, we have healthy savings.
On Sunday, January 12th, our congregation voted to spend $64,000 in church savings for a short-term, part-time assistant minister. We still have $150,000 in the Operational Reserved Funds, maintaining our strategy of holding at least three months of expenses in our Operations Reserved Funds. We have $200,000 in our Facilities Reserve Fund (replacement of HVAC, roof, etc), a healthy endowment fund for special grants, and savings from our Capital Campaign.
At our last annual meeting, the congregation decided, instead of borrowing from our bank, to borrow from our unrestricted cash funds and lend to the Capital Fund to pay a portion of construction costs. This loan will be paid back in two years as Capital pledges are paid.
Choosing Action Over Despair: Making a Difference in 2025
By Maria Barrata, Board of Trustees
Like most people, I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. They seem to be generated in response to some form of guilt. Even if I resolve to do something as simple as taking a minute of my day to reflect on things that make me grateful, this starts from a frame of reference in which I’m failing to be grateful.
This year feels different. Given the state of our world and our country, I feel a responsibility to resolve to do something. Yes, I already make sustaining contributions to institutions and organizations that do good work in this world, like our very own UUCWC. But now, in addition to my financial contributions, I want to make a bigger contribution of my time and effort and select one thing, one organization, one cause that is trying to make the world a little better.
So, Now What?
By Lisa Schilansky Ministerial Intern
Over the holidays, I took a break. A break from work emails and a break from the news. Writing this on the 2nd of January, having just checked the Washington Post, I am humbled and bowled over by what awaited me. And I trust that future news updates will also not be gentle for myself or those I care about. So, at a time of year when every ad is hawking “New Year, New You!” What do you actually need? What will help you survive the unknowns of 2025?
Winter is a time when many in the animal kingdom slow down, take shelter, and, if we can learn from the great bears, sleep for a few months. While it might be ill-advised to sleep until April, what might your equivalent be?
The fight for justice and the fight against horrifying policies are all necessary. It is also true that this is a marathon, not a sprint. So, I invite you to join me in adorning your winter burrow with the comforts you need and caring for your spirit so that you can show up in whatever way feels possible for you. And if waking up and leaving the house is what you can accomplish this winter, the rest of us have the fight for the time being. May your New Year be as gentle as possible, and may you know that this community is here when it all feels like too much. Happy 2025.
Council for Faith in Action News
UUCWC Enters Partnership with Trenton MicroLoan Collaborative
By Holly Bussey, Facilitator, Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry
The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing (UUCWC) has joined forces with the Trenton MicroLoan Collaborative (TML), an initiative dedicated to supporting formerly incarcerated individuals and returning citizens in Trenton and surrounding areas. TML provides microloans and services to entrepreneurs who have been in business for at least two years, demonstrate fiscal responsibility, possess a passion for their craft, and contribute to the local community.
Founded in 2018 by Westminster Presbyterian Church (Trenton) and Nassau Presbyterian Church (Princeton), TML recently welcomed UUCWC as its newest participating member. This partnership was marked by a special Sunday event where Faith Expression and Funding Team (FEFT) ministry members Dan Tuft, Jim Sanders, and Holly Bussey presented a $6,000 check to TML. The funds will be allocated into three microloans of $2,000 each, supporting local entrepreneurs in their business endeavors.
One of the recipients, Mike “Beast” Hilton, runs a boxing program for young men and women, teaching discipline and anti-bullying techniques alongside boxing skills. Another recipient, Pete Lewis, a skilled roofer, is transitioning into entrepreneurship and actively contributing to violence reduction efforts through his work with Salvation and Social Justice. The third recipient, Mack Williamson, and his wife, Tia, have established a thriving restaurant serving the downtown Trenton community. Their business also supplies cupcakes to Philadelphia restaurants and focuses on reinvesting in the local economy.
Looking ahead, UUCWC, in collaboration with the Racial Justice Ministry, plans to invite TML recipients and organizers to share their experiences and explore further opportunities for involvement. UUCWC members are encouraged to support these efforts, making a meaningful impact on the Trenton community.
To learn more or get involved, contact faithfunding@uucwc.org.
UUCWC Climate & Social Justice Dialogues: Opportunities to Change the World Together
By Sandee Steinberg and Leslie McGeorge, Earth and Climate Ministry
UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action (CFA) invites you to participate in our Climate & Social Justice Congregational Dialogues on Saturday, March 22nd, at UUCWC. UUs in over 400 congregations nationwide have joined in these Congregational Dialogues as part of the UU Climate Justice Revival program. As climate disruption impacts our world and some parts more than others, how can we deepen the connections between climate justice and other social justice areas, (e.g., racial, economic, disability, food insecurity) to seek solutions?
Following a UUA-facilitated program on March 22nd, we will develop a course of possible climate actions with justice at the center and explore opportunities to meet the needs of our larger community. This program will bring together interested adults and youth (high school age and over). It will include representatives from various ministries/teams, including Earth and Climate Ministry, Racial Justice, Food Ministry, and Faith Expression Funding Team.
River Friendly Progress
By Steve Saddlemire, Earth & Climate Ministry
As we enter 2025, there is good news to report regarding UUCWC’s efforts to follow the River Friendly guidelines established by The Watershed Institute in Pennington, New Jersey (watershedinstitute.org). Projects and protocols that earned UUCWC’s gold status as a River Friendly organization include efforts coordinated by the Grounds Committee and Earth & Climate Ministry.
Over the spring and summer, the Grounds Committee completed the summer’s mowing protocol by leaving the grass height higher and clippings uncollected. The previous parking lot underwent minor repairs. Meditation trails, our veggie garden (Allie’s Garden), native plants, and pollinators were all maintained despite challenging weather conditions.
Monthly nature hikes were conducted alternating between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Usually held on the third Sunday of each month, the hikes are family friendly and provide opportunities to socialize with other UUCWC members and to explore and savor nature.
A Win-Win Way of Supporting Racial Justice Causes
By Denny Rodgers, Racial Justice Ministry
If you are of the age when you must take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your IRAs, you can elect to make Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) to eligible co-organizations like, for example, our church. Your broker will send checks directly to them, and you will not be taxed on that part of your distribution. Moreover, if your employer has a matching funds program, you can double the impact of your contributions. My broker confirms that each organization qualifies, but you can do that yourself.
To get the tax benefit, make sure your name is included on the check. On your tax return, enter your total distribution as reported on your 1099Rs and calculate the taxable amount by subtracting the total of your QCDs.
Highlights from the Food Ministry Team
By Christine Piatek for the Food Ministry Team
The Food Ministry team is deeply grateful for the congregation’s support of the Chili Fundraiser on December 15th. While the goal of the chili meal was to raise funds for charity, it also provided a fun time of fellowship before the Love Jazz Band concert that afternoon. We served homemade beef and vegan chili with corn muffins, all lovingly prepared by members of the Food Ministry.
Through your generosity, we collected $470, including $40 in donations, to support the Morrisville Interfaith Food Alliance (IFA). The IFA is a consortium of faith-based, community, individuals, and business organizations that provides and funds many services in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The IFA center in Morrisville, a volunteer-run organization with no paid staff, provides a supplemental food source for 190 children from 87 families in the Morrisville school system. Each family receives a monthly grocery store gift card, food pantry supplies, and other services.
General Assembly 2025: A Unique Opportunity for UUCWC Members
By Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
It’s just a train ride away! Join fellow UUCWC members already registering and securing accommodations for the upcoming General Assembly (GA), June 18-22, 2025, in Baltimore, Maryland. This is a unique opportunity to engage in a fulfilling week of workshops, connections, and fun with Unitarian Universalists from around the world.
The conference offers a multi-platform experience, allowing attendees to participate virtually or in person for a more immersive experience. With Baltimore’s accessibility and vibrant atmosphere, this is an excellent chance to combine spiritual growth with a memorable getaway.
Strength in Sisterhood: The Women’s Retreat Returns to Murray Grove, April 4, 2025
By Jessica Alaimo, Executive Director, Murray Grove & Parker Cohen, Murray Grove Board Secretary
We are thrilled to announce the return of Murray Grove’s Women’s Retreat. Mark your calendars for the weekend of April 4th, 2025, as we celebrate this year’s theme: Strength in Sisterhood.
In these times of rapid change, it’s more important than ever to lean on and uplift one another. When women unite, lead, and empower each other, remarkable things happen—movements are sparked, communities thrive, and the world improves.
Open to all women and nonbinary individuals, our inclusive retreat promises to be a weekend filled with inspiration, connection, and renewal.
Stay Tuned
We’ll be sharing more details soon. Follow us on social media and at MurrayGrove.Org. Trust us, you won’t want to miss a single update!
Volunteers Needed
Do you have a passion, skill, or expertise you’d like to share? To donate your services for workshops or activities, please reply to this email or contact Jessica at JessicaA@MurrayGrove.Org.
Let’s work together to make this year’s retreat the most empowering yet.