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as we strive to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World.
Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person
or online.
If joining us in person, we advocate, but do not require, vaccination
against Covid. Masking is optional.
Welcome to CrossCurrents!
Your comments are welcome at
In this issue:
Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride, by Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry
The Power of Persistence and Perseverance, by Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator
We Are the Church that Matters – A Word From Finance, by Jim Sanders,
Outgoing Chair, Finance Committee
Endowment Committee Announces Awards, by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee
Celebrating Our Connections, Our Success: Thank You to Our Community!,
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
Watch General Assembly Via Livestream, by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
Garden of “Weeden” is Lush and Fragrant, by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry
Other News:
A Note From the Editor
Another Successful Food Drive
Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride
Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry
My first Pride in Philly in 2018 was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. The queer and trans community in the city helped me reach new levels of growth. With their continual support since I moved here, I have not only grown but more importantly healed. I thrive surrounded by queer love.
Here is a poem I wrote at the end of June 2018 capturing the feeling of being loved, empowered, and truly celebrated for who I am by others and myself. Happy Pride, y’all.
I met the most amazing person today
They walk with their head held high
Like they know how to navigate the world
Their smile spreads across their face with ease
They are confident in what they know
And what they don’t know
And are eager to keep learning
They know they are not perfect
And yet their comfort with imperfection seems perfect to me
Read more of Julie’s poem here…
The Power of Persistence and Perseverance
Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator
Don’t ever think that one person can’t make a difference. Our Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) noted that Ewing Township had not passed a resolution endorsing the enactment of the New Jersey Reparations Task Force Act. On behalf of RJM, Ewing resident Denny Rodgers decided to do something.
In December 2023, Denny reached out to the Ewing Township Council to bring the legislation, Bills A602/S3164, to their attention, and asked that they join the other municipalities in endorsing it. He even provided them with a copy of the Lawrence Township resolution as a template. Receiving no immediate response, in January Denny reached out again, asking if any discussion had taken place. He received an apology and a promise that the resolution would be discussed with the Council President. With still no definitive response, Denny and Ministerial Intern Lisa Schilansky attended a Council meeting, noting that they represented UUCWC’s 300+ members in requesting that Ewing join Trenton, Lawrence, Princeton, and the Mercer County Commissioners in this important commitment.
Finally, persistence paid off. Denny received notice on May 30th that Ewing issued a formal Resolution endorsing the enactment of Bills A602/S3164, the “New Jersey Reparations Task Force Act.” On behalf of our RJM, Denny persevered even when no responses were received, and he accomplished his goal. Denny shares, “Next up, Hamilton, with David Thomas.”
We Are the Church that Matters – A Word From Finance
Jim Sanders, Outgoing Chair, Finance Committee
After a wonderful review of our congregation’s year by Reverend Kim at the Annual Meeting on June 2, we presented, and the congregation overwhelmingly approved, our Church’s budget for the new year that begins July 1, 2024.
The continuing good fiscal health of the congregation and our prudence in carrying a cash reserve will give us the ability to cover a small budget deficit. This enables us to fully fund our Staff, our Operations, our Programming, our Denomination, and our debt service.
With a construction budget projected to come in “on time and within budget,” and with the success of our Capital Campaign’s Phase 3, we can “possibly” have NO ADDED debt in the coming year. Of course, we were reminded that we will need to borrow against future pledge payments, and our Treasurer, our Capital Team, and Finance have suggested that accelerated payments of pledges AND borrowing from our cash reserves can eliminate part if not all of any added debt.
With a possible reduction in debt service (we budgeted to have added debt) along with the hiring of our new staff person (with a clearer understanding of health insurance needs), the budgeted deficit could be reduced.
Read more here…
Endowment Committee Announces Awards
Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that, due to the growth of the fund during 2023, grants could be awarded this year. After reviewing applications from various committees and ministries, the Endowment Committee made these awards:
- To the Earth and Climate Ministry for work in the mechanical room and for solar system data acquisition: $3,250.
- To the Racial Justice Ministry for its speaker series: $3,600.
- Toward our ministerial intern’s stipend: $3,000.
Also, $7,000 has been set aside for anticipated accessibility improvements to the dais.
The Endowment Fund’s growth depends on the current contributions and bequests of our members. Information is available in the lobby to assist members and friends in making “Endowment Fund Bequests.” The brochure provides information on specific language to place in your will. Please consider naming UUCWC, specifically the Endowment Fund at UUCWC, in your will.
Celebrating Our Connections, Our Success: Thank You to Our Community!
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
A New Orleans Feast, Mandala Immersive Art Workshop, Self-guided Tour of Hidden Philly Gems, and a Silver UU Chalice Medallion may not seem to have a common link, but they do – they all were offers in our auction “Celebrating Our Connections!” And they were all offered by the newer members and staff among us! With two hundred and fifty generous and interesting offerings for skilled services, meals, cultural outings, custom foods, and original hand-crafted items, our congregants demonstrate the “warmth of community.” The auction is more than a spring fundraiser – opportunities to connect with one another occur throughout the year!
Our fifth online auction was a successful fun-raiser and fundraiser, from the kick-off party to the lively competitive bidding on several items just at the close at 9 pm on May 11. Having a targeted amount of $31,050 for our annual operating budget, we are pleased to have surpassed that goal by approximately $7,000, enabling a substantial contribution to this year’s designated beneficiary, the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). Since 2019, the Council for Faith in Action (through the Faith Expression and Funding Team) has designated a social justice organization to receive 50% of any funds over the budgeted amount, in accordance with a congregational vote authorizing this procedure.
Read more here…
A Note From the Editor
This edition of CrossCurrents is my last as editor. Thank you to all the writers for sharing your news and, more importantly, your passion for your ministries and roles at UUCWC that shines through your writing. It takes a village to publish a newsletter and our village has included staff and board members who regularly submit articles, Lori O’Neil, who provides the headers each month, Michael Howe-Smith and Susan Irgang, who have been my second and third pair of eyes to make sure we’ve proofread carefully, and fact checked every article, and all of you who have read and commented on the articles. A big welcome to Scott Cullen who I am certain will do a fabulous job bringing CrossCurrents into the future!
Chris Piatek
Another Successful Food Drive

The Food Ministrty thanks all who donated much needed staples to the June 2 food drive for the Interfaith Food Alliance’s food pantry in Morrisville, PA. Donated items totalled over $600!
Watch General Assembly Via Livestream
Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
General Assembly (GA) general sessions will be livestreamed this year. As our delegates represent all of us, we can watch the process here.
Curious about what your UUA is doing? Tune in. Want to hear the discussion and see the outcome of the vote on the Article II changes and adoption of the Values Statement we’ve all been discussing? Tune in.
A link to the proceedings will be included in the weekly announcements for the week of June 20. Topics to be livestreamed will be announced soon.
Have any questions? Email

There’s still time to let our delegate team know what you are thinking as they embark on representing UUCWC at GA, June 20 to 23.

Our Auction Kick-off Party bartenders Lee Schofer, Ron Iannacone, Bud Johnson, and Scott Drew made toasting and jesting so much fun!
Garden of “Weeden” is Lush and Fragrant
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry
In November 2021, we reported on the start of our efforts to eradicate a nasty, invasive plant called Mugwort, that had embedded and intertwined itself with cherished perrenials we had moved to the parking berms.
Almost five years later, we’re still battling the Mugwort and making some progress. Read more here about these efforts.
If you are willing to help weed the parking berms for the benefit of our intended native plants, water, and weed the veggie garden in the summer, please contact for more information.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |