The UUCWC Church building will be closed, until further notice, as of Friday, March 20th;
essential staff and Sunday service leaders only.
Although we are closing the church building, we will still be doing church, continuing to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World.
Letter from Rev. Kim
Dear Friends,
Of all the times I wrote out the script in my head – of our first conversation after sabbatical, I assure you, it did not sound like this. First off, I am still, somehow, I think, within the bounds of my sabbatical though you are in my thoughts and heart more so each day. Read more…
Message from UUCWC’s Board of Trustees and Staff (March 12)
We live in challenging times. Whatever might have challenged us individually before, we are now all, across the nation, faced with the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will meet this together in spirit and with unwavering faith in our dynamic, committed community of UUCWC. We all may be feeling some intense emotions right now, which is completely normal. Let yourself feel them. Whether you feel overwhelmed or fatalistic, be kind and patient with yourself and others. This is an opportunity to find new ways to stay connected and support each other even as we spend more time physically apart. Read more… And see the UUCWC website for subsequent updates and changes.
Message from Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees (March 18)
Listen here…
Rev. Kim is on Sabbatical
After serving the UUCWC congregation since 2014, our senior minister, Rev. Kim Wildszewski, is on sabbatical. She will return on May 3. During this time, Rev. Sue Goodwin is preaching and providing pastoral care. More information on Rev. Kim’s sabbatical, including an FAQ brochure, is available here.
Rev. Kim’s Sabbatical Team is also available for questions at this time.
Wisdom Sayings
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
I collect wisdom sayings. Honest. Not coins, stamps or even tulip bulbs. I’m the geek with a gallery full of quotes on my phone. I have found the practice of reviewing these quotes to be comforting and grounding. So, I’m sharing my favorites with you. Read more…

Helping You Stay Connected
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
I have been thinking about all of you so much this week. It was wonderful to see so many people at our first on-line worship service last Sunday. We are a strong, caring community. I am so glad we have each other so we can navigate what lies ahead together.
Although we are each staying close to home, I want to help you stay connected with each other. Listed below are some ways you can stay in touch with UUCWC virtually. (We have congregants who are offering one on one tutorials for those who are new to Zoom. Please let me know if you want me to connect you with a tutor.) Read more…
Robin can be reached at |
Annual Service Awards for 2020
Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
Spring is in the air and the Board invites you to think about some individuals in the congregation you would like to honor at the annual meeting. Take a moment to nominate someone who exemplifies service and/or has significantly contributed to our community. Submit your nomination(s) for UUCWC’s Distinguished Service and Flaming Chalice Awards by April 15. Read more…
Stewardship Campaign 2020 – 2021
Stewardship Team
There’s less than two weeks left in our Pledge
Campaign. Thank you very much if you have submitted your pledge for the next church year (July 2020 – June 2021). If we have not yet heard from you, please help us by submitting your pledge as soon as possible.
Please either scan your pledge form or take a photo of it and email it to, or complete a pledge form on-line at the UUCWC web site (see Annual Giving under the Giving tab). If you cannot do either, please email telling us what your annual pledge will be, and we can use that for the record.
It is very important for UUCWC to get an accurate idea of what members, friends and others are prepared to pledge for the next fiscal year in order to create our budget. We need to get the final numbers to the Finance committee at the end of March, and to do this we need to hear from everyone.
Thank you for your help and generosity.
Capital Campaign/Project Update
Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee met with architect David B. Singer on Tuesday, March 10 to review and discuss the current detailed architectural plans for our expansion.Our goal is to have a ceremonial groundbreaking on June 7, 2020 immediately following the Annual Meeting, with construction beginning on June 8, with the entire project is projected to be complete by January 2021. Read more…
Racial Justice Ministry: 8th Principle Check-In
Dan Tuft, Racial Justice Ministry
Over five years ago our community embarked on a journey to educate ourselves and act upon our understanding of not only the insidious, enduring structural aspects of racism in our world, but to also gain an understanding and willingness to change the inadvertent, at times unseen, and casual participation as a church community in that world. For the last two years, the Racial Justice Ministry has engaged in a ‘check in’ with all the groups, committees, teams, and ministries that make up the complex matrix that is UUCWC. Read more…
Mid-Year Financial Update
Jim Sanders, Interim Treasurer
Transition: Several weeks after I joined the Board of Trustees this past July, I agreed to assume on an interim basis, the role of Treasurer, with an eye on creating a volunteer leadership position that can be managed and steered by fellow leaders who are not looking to take on a part-time job, while balancing family and life responsibilities.
Financial Update: My monthly reports to the board begin with a comparison of actual numbers to to the budget, along with bank balances. We budgeted July 2019 – February 2020 for a deficit of $84 (close to balanced), and we completed that period with an operating surplus of $13,952. We are in a good financial position. This will be important to maintain as we go out to banks for financing when we begin capital construction. Read more…
Contact Jim to review a detailed financial report.
Information on joining Sunday’s virtual service via Zoom will be emailed to you on Saturday morning.
UUCWC Auction 2020!
The Auction will go forward online!
The online Auction will run from May 2 – May 9.
See the auction page for info, including contribution ideas and an online contribution form. Please submit your contributions by April 1.
Contact the auction team with questions or to help out!

Half of the Auction proceeds, over the budgeted amount, will be donated to Isles. Founded in 1981, Isles, Inc. is a community development and environmental organization based in Trenton. With a mission to foster self-reliant families and healthy, sustainable communities, they design and develop effective services that support this mission and share what they learn with others who can make a difference.
General Assembly
June 24 – 28, 2020
Providence, Rhode Island
See the GA webpage for info and COVID-19 updates.
Freya Makes a Difference
Jessie Boehm & Andy Snyder
Our daughter Freya was deeply impacted by the news of the wildfires in Austr alia and wanted to help. After talking with us she decided she wanted to do something to raise money and immediately began drawing pictures of animals in Australia, which we then made into art postcards to be sold for donations to WIRES (Australia’s Wildlife, Information, Rescue and Education Service). The cards were drawn and colored by Freya and then glued onto a background, a watercolor made by her little brother Wesley (age 3), which we then reproduced.
Freya has raised $265 dollars for WIRES and we are so grateful for all of the support she received from members of the congregation. |

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |