In this continuing time of Covid, the church is open as we continue to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online. If joining us in person, we require vaccinations/boosters; masking is now optional.
Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at
In this issue:
Did You Know?, by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Why I Support UUCWC, by Heather Edwards, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Keeping It Kindled! Top Ten Reasons to Participate in the 2023 Online Auction,
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
Auction Proceeds Help to “Change The World,” by Holly Bussey,
Faith Expression Funding Team Facilitator
March 2023 Capital Campaign Update, by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly, by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
Looking for a Way to Contribute?, by Nathalie Edmond, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement
CFA Reaching Outward With 50% of the Plate, by Holly Bussey,
Faith Expression and Funding Team Facilitator
Endowment Update, by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee
Love to Bike Ride?, by Michael Howe-Smith
Did You Know?
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
Rev. Kim shares her latest installment of “Did You Know?” about the many programs and activities at UUCWC. Watch and listen here for all the good work happening among us.
Why I Support UUCWC
Heather Edwards, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
During this stewardship season, I’ve been reflecting on what UUCWC means to me and why I feel a responsibility to support our church both financially and through volunteering. If you had told me in my early twenties that a religious community would be such a central part of my life a couple of decades later, I absolutely would not have believed it.
I was raised Catholic but stopped attending mass other than on holidays once I had my confirmation. By the time I went to college, I felt like religion was just too confining and that there was no place for my queerness within a religious community. I was not alone in drifting away from my childhood religion as I grew up. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, only 31% of Americans report attending a church, synagogue, mosque or temple weekly or nearly weekly. The majority of American adults say they seldom (25%) or never (33%) attend.
My spiritual and religious beliefs do not require me to attend church or to tithe to a church in order to secure a place in heaven or to win the favor of God. So why do I find myself today attending our UUCWC services weekly, serving on the Board of Trustees and in other volunteer roles within the church, and pledging to support UUCWC financially?
Read more here.
Keeping It Kindled! Top Ten Reasons to Participate in the 2023 Online Auction
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
We invite you to explore the many reasons to contribute an item, event, service, craft, or gift card to support our community and participate in the bidding and purchasing during the auction event. Some examples of the items you could offer, bid on, and purchase follow our top 10 reasons for joining in the Auction and Keeping it Kindled!
10. Auction offerings are a great way to get to know others and to stay connected! (Spirituality workshops, meals, small social gatherings, recreational and cultural outings, games, skilled services and hand-made items!)
9. It is “better to give than to receive.” Through the Auction you can give and receive! (Yard clean-up, Handyman services, Custom Foods, New or like-new Indoor Grill and more!) Submit your Contribution form by Friday, March 31.
8. Auction proceeds support the annual operating budget and help us to support social justice programs after our targeted amount is met. UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action (CFA) has designated this year’s recipient as Snipes Farm and Education Center, a nonprofit that serves those in PA and NJ with a wide variety of assistance: hunger relief, good nutrition, education, and sustaining the earth and her resources. See the companion article by CFA.
7. The Auction provides opportunities to learn or hone new skills or crafts. (Knitting lessons, Tai Chi, Yoga, games and more!)
Read more here.
Auction Proceeds Help to “Change The World”
Holly Bussey, Faith Expression Funding Team Facilitator
Our annual auction supports all that we hope to achieve in the coming year. Auction proceeds are a significant source of funding of our annual operating budget. Additionally, when there is a surplus, 50% of those monies are donated to a justice organization.
This year, Council for Faith In Action (CFA) has selected Snipes Farm and Education Center as the 2023 Auction recipient. Snipes’ mission is to model and teach sustainable farming while building community and reconnecting people to the land. This group spans several needs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey including food insecurity, good nutrition, education and sustainability of the land.
Snipes’ vision is seeing the world where everyone has access to healthy food, open space and the experience of farming, where local economies are strengthened by the preservation of small farms, and where priority is given to sustaining the earth and its natural resources.
The more we raise at our auction, the more we can give to Snipes. Please donate services and goods and plan to attend (and spend) during the auction. Invite a friend, neighbor or colleague or family members. Because it will be virtual ANYONE can attend (and bid/spend) AND WIN!
Questions? Email or
March 2023 Capital Campaign Update
by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Status: We have MORE great news! The Hopewell Township Planning Board approved our proposed site plan and we now can move forward with hiring the general contractor for our project. Hopewell Township will now review the architectural plans for building permits, a process that should take about 6 weeks.
Don’t forget that our Chalice Lighter grant proposal to help cover the cost of the elevator has been approved in the amount of $40,000. The Capital Campaign Steering Committee would like to thank all who helped to write the grant proposal. Special thanks to Susan Irgang who pulled together disparate data, facts, and figures, created the pdf, and submitted everything electronically on our behalf. Many thanks also to Lori Rahn, who has agreed to be our Chalice Lighter Ambassador. If you would like to become a Chalice Lighter and help other congregations reach their aspirational goals, ask Lori or Jayme Trott for a brochure when you see us at church, or find the brochure here.
Timeline: We expect to formally engage the contractor by mid-March. Ground-breaking is anticipated in May and construction should take about six months. The sanctuary will be accessible throughout construction.
Read more here.
UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly
by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
June will be here before you know it when our UUA General Assembly (GA) will meet in Pittsburgh. There is still time to register and attend. To date, Alison Streit Baron, Holly Bussey, Jennifer Ciccolini, Heather Edwards, Jim Sanders, Dan Tuft and Robin Pugh are attending as delegates. Heather will attend virtually. Maria Baratta and Jane Root are attending as non-delegates.
Topics for discussion at GA this year include the Article II discussion and re-casting our UU Principles into a more relationship/covenantal based format centered around the tenet of Love. Rev. Kim spoke about the proposed Article II changes just a few weeks ago. Listen to the sermon here. Also be aware that there will be discussion circles and your delegates want to hear from you, and what you think about the proposed changes. To provide feedback, email or talk to any of us on Sundays.
We will share more information in upcoming weeks. The Ware Lecture speaker this year is Imani Perry. Read more here.
Looking for a Way to Contribute? 
Nathalie Edmond, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement
Congregational Engagement (CE) is excited to tell you about a resource we’ve created that can be accessed online and in the church lobby. If you are looking for ways to engage more in church activities, but don’t know what is available or what might be a good fit, check out the opportunities listed online or on the bulletin board in the lobby. Or, if you prefer, you can schedule a conversation with one of us from CE to explore your interests and what would be a good fit. There are some immediate opportunities available, both short term and long term. Others start with the new church year on July 1st.
Look here to see the available opportunities. Email Nathalie Edmond or Pam Shadzik at
Annual Pledge Drive Needs Your Support To Invest in Our Values and Our Future
UUCWC’s annual pledge drive is underway through the end of March. The Stewardship Team needs every one of us- members and friends- to commit to our values and our future by our financial pledge for the coming year. Please give as generously as you can so that the Board, Finance Committee and others who are tasked with creating our annual budget can do so with confidence and the knowledge that all our programs, staff positions, building and grounds are fully funded and allow us to continue to be the vital community we are. For more information or to pledge online, click here.
CFA Reaching Outward With 50% of the Plate
by Holly Bussey, Faith Expression and Funding Team Facilitator
It’s hard to believe that we’re past the half year mark of the church year. In person attendance is growing and our generosity continues! The Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry of the Council for Faith in Action has been busy.
As many know, 50% of each Sunday’s plate goes out to help support organizations which have similar missions as UUCWC and values that align with our eight Principles.
This year is no exception! Since September, UUCWC has donated over $8,300 to these organizations in need. Read more here.
Endowment Update
Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee
This is the time of year the Endowment Committee usually calls for grant requests for items of need that are not in the annual budget. Due to the lackluster performance of our Endowment Funds in comparison to our contributions, the Endowment Committee is sorry to report we will be unable to offer grants this year. We hope to be able to offer grants next year.
The committee does wish to remind you that your contributions are always appreciated and go to increase our endowment as well as to allow us to offer grants. Grant money has paid for items such as hardware and technical support to improve Zoom, plantings around our grounds, special musicians on Sunday mornings, benches and picnic tables in the recent past, and even the solar panels many years ago. The committee will be looking for new members for the 2023-24 church year starting this July. Anyone interested can contact Janet Hubbard or Bonnie Gilbert for more information.
Love to Bike Ride?
Michael Howe-Smith
Hardly a month goes by but I learn of another member of our congregation who enjoys riding a bicycle. Some enjoy the quiet and solitude of a solo ride, soaking up the sounds, sights and smells along a favorite route. Others like to ride with a companion and take time out to chat or to break bread together.
I suspect that, whatever your riding style, there are times when you would like to ride with a group of friends. So, here’s an idea that will help us to ride together in small groups (clusters).

As a start, Email Michael Howe-Smith (check the church directory) and I’ll add your name to an Emailing list. We’ll use it to keep each other informed, create bicycling activities that are attractive to everyone, and enjoy some UU fellowship together.
Please participate in the RaiseRight fundraising program. Easily purchase gift cards for use at many of your usual shopping venues and receive the full card value, while UUCWC receives a donation of anywhere from 4% to 12% of the card’s value. Look here to review the details.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Read about UU Faith Action, New Jersey’s issues and social justice advocacy voice, connecting New Jersey UU congregations. Pennsylvania’s counterpart is UUJusticePA.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |