Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
A Note About Sabbatical by Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
Welcome is a Verb by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Sharing Meals and Saying Grace by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Intersecting to Serve Our Mission by Marianne Alt, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Capital Campaign/Project Update by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign Committee
Join uUS and Fellow UUs at General Assembly by Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs
Where the 50% of the Plate Goes: Causes Supported Fall 2019 by Lynne Quinto and Holly Bussey, Co-Facilitators, Faith Expression and Funding Team
Year-End Appeal: Holiday House Gift
Quieter Coffee Hour
Calling All People With Fundraising Ideas for UUCWC!
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Donate a frozen turkey to TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen). Here’s how…
Construction is underway on the bridge on Washington Crossing-Pennington Road (Route 546) over Jacobs Creek. Detour information.
A Note About Sabbatical
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
As I begin my 6th year of ministry with you, I am amazed at how time, trust and open hearts has allowed us to grow together. In preparation for my sabbatical this winter, I catch myself missing my community already. And, it will be good for me to step out of the day-to-day and weekly discipline required of ministry and a robust congregation. I have forgotten, if I have ever learned, how to have a slower and more deliberate pace. I am grateful to each of you for the gift of sabbatical, which is an opportunity to discover such things, but also a way to return to you in health and rejuvenation.
During the Sabbatical, you will certainly be in good hands – as you will tend to each other, like you already do so well. You will also have the care and continuity of Rev. Sue Goodwin. Read more…
Welcome is a Verb
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
“Churches often believe they are friendly churches because their members are friendly to one another. But they don’t think about walking in the shoes of first-time guests. Welcoming those new to the church has to be the constant and intentional posture of the ENTIRE CONGREGATION.”
That’s a quote from a church builder. Being welcoming is the responsibility of the entire congregation. Read more…
Sharing Meals and Saying Grace
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Saying thanks together at meal times is a spiritual practice that allows families to pause for a moment, feel connected with each other and have a moment of reverence for something larger during their busy day. Unitarian Universalist author, Betsy Hill Williams shared her thoughts about starting a practice of saying grace in her home: “What started out as a routine formality soon changed. As we held hands and looked in to each other’s eyes (even for so brief a moment as our simple home-grown grace), I found myself truly feeling blessed- glimpsing the divine as it sat around our table, feeling the power of our love for each other and gratitude for our lives together. Over the years of nightly repetition that feeling, which I have come to recognize as an experience of the holy, has never diminished.” Read more…

Intersecting to Serve Our Mission
Marianne Alt, Vice President, Board of Trustees
In early October the Board of Trustees met to determine our churchwide goals for the 2019-2020 church year. Informed by Paula Cole Jones’ and David Pyle’s presentation at General Assembly in June 2019, we decided to frame them using the 7 Practices of Board Leadership. These practices are predicated on centering the Beloved Community and viewing the trustees as Spiritual Leaders rather than serving as church managers. I presented these goals at the October Council Meeting (the Leadership Council of all committee and ministry leaders meets at least twice yearly). The Board revised them at our November meeting and voted to accept this version of UUCWC’s Board Goals 2019 – 2020. They are wordy, a bit messy, a little repetitive and don’t have parallel structure. And yet, they are beautiful and we hope they look this way year after year. Here’s why. Read more…

Capital Campaign/Project Update
Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign Committee
Over the summer, engineering firm Van Note Harvey conducted a required survey of the flood line on church property. They are now putting together the site plan, and we have engaged an attorney (Ryan P. Kennedy, who is offering us a discounted rate) to sign the site plan applications and attend the hearing once it is set. Four site applications have been prepared – for the Mercer County Planning Board, Mercer County Soil Conservation District (for soil erosion etc.), D&R Canal Commission, and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Land Use Regulation. We will soon have architectural drawings to share with the congregation!! Read more…

Join uUS and Fellow UUs at General Assembly
Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs
It’s not too early to start thinking…June 24-28 General Assembly (GA) will meet in Providence, Rhode Island! Already there’s talk among UUCWC-ers about us ‘renting’ an entire train car for those who wish to go! What is General Assembly? A meeting of UUs from all over. We worship, look at the larger picture of Unitarian Universalism and work on becoming a mightier influence on the world. Open to all ages (programming appropriate), we are hoping to break our record of 42 attendees (at the Rochester GA).
The Unitarian Universalist Association is offering more creative ways to register and spread out payments. Please check out the following links; there will be grants from UUCWC to attend as well. Questions? One needs to but ask. It’s not too early to start making plans. A great city (near others too) and EASY to reach. Read more…
Where the 50% of the Plate Goes – UUCWC Supports Causes Fall 2019
Lynne Quinto, Co-Facilitator, Faith Expression and Funding Team
The Faith Expression and Funding Team, part of the Council for Faith in Action, is responsible for the distribution of the 50% of the weekly plate allocated to social justice causes. Is there an organization that you are passionate about, that you feel puts your faith in action? Contact us for details on submitting a funding request.
Thanks to your generosity, the social justice portion of the plate from July – October was $4,622, enabling UUCWC to recently provide funding to the following organizations and projects this fall. Read more…
For all Sundays
in December, there will be
one service at 10am.
Save the Dates
Nov. 24, after each service
Earth Ministry Used Book Sale
Nov. 24, 10:15am
Transgender Day of Rememberance Observance
December 6
HomeFront UUCWC Craft Night Crafters needed
December 8, 11am
Holiday Poinsettia Sale
December 8, 11:30am
Racial Justice Ministry History and the 8th Principle
December 8, 7:00pm
Caroling with the Religion in Life Alumnae
December 15, 2:30pm
South Philly Big Band Holiday Concert (download a flyer)
January 10
UU FaithAction NJ Eco-Gala
January 15, 7:30am
Fundraising Brainstorming
UUCWC Calendar
End-of Year Appeal
The HOLIDAY HOUSE GIFT is a very special way to contribute to the life of the church during the holiday season. Your Year-End gift helps support all the things that make UUCWC so important in our lives, and in the life of the community.
This effort runs through the end of December. Just look for the giant hand-made GINGERBREAD HOUSE in the lobby! It’s where you can place your donation (Holiday House Envelopes are provided). You may also bring your gift to the church office or hand it in on a Sunday morning, or make your donation online via a credit card or Paypal. However you choose to do it — please join us in supporting the life and work of our church.

Quieter Fellowship Hour
On December 15 we’ll pilot Quieter Coffee Hour in Room 201. This will offer a space to connect with others in an environment perfect for introverts, those with auditory challenges, anyone who is easily over-stimulated in the Crossings Room and those seeking to avoid the stairs. Due to space considerations, we can only hold this on the third Sunday of each month. If this appeals to you, we will see you on the 15th!
Calling all people with ideas for fundraising
for UUCWC!
Your fundraising chair is looking for some fresh ideas for fundraising activities. There will be a meeting on January 15 at 7:30pm for anyone interested in participating in a brainstorming session. In the meantime, please feel free to email your ideas to Wendy Stasolla at fundraising@uucwc.org. As always, if you have a fundraising idea/activity that you’re ready to run with, please reach out anytime so I can help you get it moving.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org