Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at crosscurrents@uucwc.org.
In this issue:
A Prayer: Turning Our Hearts to Tomorrow Together by Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
Your UU Elevator Speech by Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Food, Fellowship and Family Feedback on Nov. 17 by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Coming Into Connection Starts Nov. 3
Sing With the Crossing Chorale for Christmas Eve Service by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
Board Goals: Building Board Practices by Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
Up on the Roof Top by George Faulkner, Building Committee
Religion in Life: Girls Is Running Again, Starts November 10 by Charlie Groth
Cena Latina: Making Connections, Living Our Faith by Barbara Jensen, Faith Action Ministry
UUCWC Meditation Trails by Steve Saddlemire, Grounds Committee
Make a Difference in November by Ed Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry
UUA App – WorshipWeb
UU FaithAction NJ Issues Conference Reports
Airport and Train Transportation Service
Construction is underway on the bridge on Washington Crossing-Pennington Road (Route 546) over Jacobs Creek. Detour information.
A Prayer: Turning Our Hearts to Tomorrow Together
Rev. Kim Wildszewski, Senior Minister
On Saturday, October 19, UUCWC had the great honor of co-hosting a fundraising event for LALDEF, the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund. With the vision and implementation of our Faith Action Ministry and a larger team, too, this night was a beautiful success in which relationship, education, and support all flourished. I was grateful to participate and have since been asked for the prayer I offered at the close of the presentation. Read more…
Your UU Elevator Speech
Rev. Sue Goodwin, Minister of Congregational Life
Imagine you are on an elevator and someone asks you to explain Unitarian Universalism. That hasn’t happened to you (yet)? Would you be able to summarize our faith tradition in the time it takes to reach your floor? In this “for instance” you are NOT riding up to the top of the Empire State Building. Read more…
Food, Fellowship and Family Feedback on Nov. 17 Hosted by Family Ministry Team
Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
The new Family Ministry team wants to hear feedback from UUCWC parents on the Religious Education (RE) program and your experience at UUCWC. Come to enjoy lunch with other UUCWC parents and to share what you’ve experienced at UUCWC and the RE program and what you hope in the future on November 17 at 12:15pm. Lunch will be served and childcare provided. Read more…
Coming Into Connection Starts November 3
Explore deep questions as you connect with an assigned partner, build relationships and deepen your UU identity. Details |

Sing With the Crossing Chorale for Christmas Eve Service
Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry
We know that not everyone can commit to choir rehearsals and Sunday worship services when Crossing Chorale sings. Many of you teach RE classes, are involved in so much at church, have active work lives and may have young families. In recent years, we have invited people who may not be able to be with us otherwise, to sing with us on Christmas Eve. Read more…

Board Goals: Building Board Practices
Nathalie Edmond, President, Board of Trustees
The Board met for its fall retreat earlier this month and we focused on building goals for the congregational year. Our strategy for developing goals was informed by an article we read from Rev. David Pyle and Paula Cole Jones about board practices that was featured at General Assembly this year. The essential themes from the article were about moving to a multicultural paradigm where building a Beloved Community is at the center of the UU principles. The writers invite us to move away from “tasks and agendas” and towards a series of board practices that the Board engages in throughout the year. Read more…
Up on the Roof Top
George Faulkner, Co-Chair, Building Committee
Up on the Rooftop… Reindeer Paws? No. But even better… solar panels! Many longer time members are aware that we installed solar panels in October 2008, and officially dedicated them in 2009. But unless you fly a drone over our property, newer members and friends might not be aware that we took this important step to support the environment and qualify as a “green sanctuary.” Read more…
Religion in Life: Girls “Class” Running Again, Starting November 10!
Charlie Groth, Co-Advisor
“Religion in Life: Girls” (RIL) is the UUA religious award program designed for Girl Scouts at the younger girl (4th through 8th grade) and older girl (7th through 12th grade) levels. Any girl in grades 4 through 12, whether or not she’s a registered Girl Scout or even a UU, can complete the RIL program, earn the medal, and participate in RILA (the Religion in Life Alumnae). Read more…
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s WorshipWeb has resources for personal spiritual practice and worship services. Access the collection through their app.
UU FaithAction NJ recently held their Fall Issues Conference. Read all of the reports, includingthose for the issue task forces, here.
Cena Latina – Making Connections, Living Our Faith
by Barbara Jensen, Faith Action Ministry
The Cena Latina team would like to thank everyone who made this event, a fundraiser for LALDEF, such a success. From all angles, the event was a beautiful example of our church living our faith. So many connections were made and it was such a thrill to see all of our spaces used for such good purpose, with so many of our congregants working joyfully to make the event so great. Read more…
UUCWC Meditation Trails
Steve Saddlemire, Co-Chair, Grounds Committee
Have you ever wanted to “get away” from it all for a few moments and just spend some time reflecting on the important events in your life? UUCWC has just what you’re looking for! Winding along the outside edge of the church property are two meditation trails. Read more…
Make a Difference in November: Thanksgiving Meal Donations and Turkeys for TASK
Ed Dobrowolski, Social Action Ministry
November is fast approaching and that means Thanksgiving and the beginning of our season of plenty. There are many nearby who aren’t as fortunate. You can help by participating in two Social Action Projects. Read more…

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | uucwc@uucwc.org | www.uucwc.org