In this continuing time of Covid, the church is open as we continue to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online. If joining us in person, we require vaccinations/boosters; masking is now optional.
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In this issue:
Did You Know?, by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
As We Head Into the Holiday Season, What Are You Thankful for at UUCWC?, by Jamie Evanini,
Vice-President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Supporting Our Congregants and Our Mission, by Pam Shadzik, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement
The Food Ministry is Back in the Kitchen!, by Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team
Racial Justice Ministry Considers Reparations, by Regina Podhorin Zilinski
Capital Project Moves Forward!, by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Musical Notes Return to Our Virtual Order of Service, by Erin Busch, Directory of Music Ministry
Did You Know?
Rev. Kim Wildszewski
UUCWC is a vibrant and engaged congregation; this we know. This month, Rev. Kim shares a video message about the many wonderful programs and activities at UUCWC. Watch and listen here for all the good work happening among us.
As We Head Into the Holiday Season, What Are You Thankful for at UUCWC?
Jamie Evanini, Vice-President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means our thoughts turn to raking leaves, eating turkey, and remembering what we’re thankful for. On my own personal gratitude list, you’ll find UUCWC! I’m so grateful to have a community of people with whom I’ve had the chance to build a relationship over the course of years. It enriches my life so much, especially in the uncertain and isolating times we’re living in. This congregation has been my home-away-from-home.
I asked my fellow Board of Trustee members this question: What are you thankful for at UUCWC? Echoing throughout all their answers is their experience of community, “our extended UUCWC family,” as Treasurer Joe Schenk puts it.
President Maria Baratta is thankful for “the light and love that shines through in all aspects of our church life, whether we are doing the hard work of trying to make the world a better place or sharing in a spiritual journey of discovery. The generous spirits of our members, friends and staff give me hope year round.”
This light, love and generosity is sustained by our staff. For Trustee Wendy Stasolla, they are the foundation on which our community is built: “I’m thankful for Rev. Kim and our stellar staff who keep our wonderful community stimulated, engaged, and well supported!”
This support means UUCWC can have an impact on the wider community, and that’s what Trustee Heather Edwards is thankful for: “I am thankful for the opportunity to work together with others from the congregation to try to make positive change both locally and nationally.” Trustee Gina Turner feels the same way: “I’m thankful for the social justice and political engagement of UUCWC!”
We need the generosity, support and feeling of engagement more than ever. As Trustee Jim Sanders says: “I am most thankful for this community that has for decades, but most importantly over the past three years, been a life-boat and a light-house in my day to day journey. This year, I feel deep gratitude.”
We on the Board hope that UUCWC has been “a life-boat and a light-house” for you too, and we’d love to hear what aspects of our community you are thankful for this year! Let us know at .
Supporting Our Congregants and Our Mission
Pam Shadzik, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement
Congregational Engagement (CE) has continued the work of reimagining ways that our congregants can be involved in UUCWC in ways that nourish them and support our mission.
To that end, we sponsored a gathering in September where we partnered with Racial Justice Ministry and Right Relations to discuss how we reconnect and reshape our beloved community as we re-envision church. Over forty participants joined the multi-platform conversation about what it means to be a covenantal community: how we live into the covenant in all we do, how we nourish those who do the “work” of the church, and how we integrate the 8th Principle into our work. Participants reflected that the gathering left them feeling connected and energized as well as recommitted to living the covenant and using the 8th Principle lens.
CE also continues to consider new ways to support UUCWC leaders in thinking creatively about how their committees/ministries function and nourish their participants. Our surveys have indicated that people are looking for participation that is part of their spiritual journey: for connection, for limited defined tasks (rather than ongoing commitment), for sense of feeling needed, and a safe place to learn and practice new skills. In light of this, we’ll be participating in the November Council meeting to support congregational leaders in thinking about opportunities for engagement in their groups. Read more here…
The Food Ministry is Back in the Kitchen!
Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team
Since the start of the pandemic, UUCWC’s Food Ministry (FM) has been periodically providing ready-assembled meals to Luther Arms Apartments, an affordable housing complex for seniors in downtown Trenton. On October 7th, a number of our members met with Rebecca James, Luther Arms’ Resident Service Coordinator, to take a tour of the building’s kitchen and dining area, and to discuss how FM might better serve the Luther Arms community as we continue to emerge from the Covid pandemic. On Wednesday, October 26th, FM members made a delivery of a hot cooked entrée, salad and dessert for that day’s lunch and another entrée for storage for later use. Presently, twenty-one Luther Arms residents are served meals three times a week; the number can increase as all residents are welcome to sign up for meals. The Luther Arms community was pleased to receive the hot lunch and FM members were happy to be back in our church kitchen to cook and prepare meals. This will now be a monthly commitment for as long as the kitchen is open during the Capital Campaign construction.
On October 11th, we held our first annual retreat. The four-hour meeting provided time to reflect on and review FM’s mission statement, covenant and five year plan. The group shared why this ministry’s work is important to each of us. There is something about bonding over lunch that is both celebratory and affirming of the work that has been done and continues to be needed. Read more here…
Racial Justice Ministry Considers Reparations
Regina Podhorin Zilinski
The Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) recently hosted a speaker from the Unitarian Universalist Faith Action New Jersey (UUFANJ) Reparations Task Force to update us on their activities and plans to move forward the conversation about reparations in New Jersey. As a result of this conversation, we have decided to engage more deeply with the issue of reparations and to move forward with listening circles regarding the UUCWC Covenant to become a Beloved Community.
We intend to widely share our learnings about reparations with the congregation in the coming months and will share with you opportunities for member learning and involvement in future advocacy efforts. RJM will continue to follow the UUFANJ Task Force as they continue to study and take action; and members will work with Robin Pugh and Sarah Ahrens to integrate conversations about reparations into the UUCWC Faith Engagement program. Early next year, we will hold listening circles to consider and recommend reparatory actions as part of our UUCWC Covenant.
In the meantime, there are many state and national organizations and resources focused on reparations. Read more here…
Capital Project Moves Forward!
Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
On October 16, the congregation voted to move forward with the Capital Project, including incurring mortgage debt up to $400,000, should it be necessary. The Steering Committee will notify the selected contractor and ascertain when construction can begin.
In the meantime, our attorney and our civil engineer will present the updated site plans for zoning approval. Although we were approved with the previous (larger) design, the newer one requires full review. Following zoning approval, Hopewell Township will review the architectural plans for building permits.
The latest plans and schematics can be found here. Read more about the timeline and financial data here.
Musical Notes Return to Our Virtual Order of Service
Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry
For those of you who have been following the virtual Order of Service each Sunday, you may have noticed that we have begun to add a Musical Notes section at the bottom of the page. For each week that we have special music during our service – whether that is a choir performance, a guest musician, or a musician from our congregation – I am writing up a short paragraph about each piece that is shared. If you have ever felt curious about the music that is shared during our service, this is a great way to find out a bit more!
Here’s an example from our service on October 9th.

Mike Muccioli and Adam Czerwonka cook up a Shepherd’s Pie for delivery to Luther Arms Senior Housing.

Lori Rahn and Mike Muccioli make the meal delivery.
Don’t forget about the new RaiseRight fundraising program. Easily purchase gift cards for use at many of your usual shopping venues and receive the full card value, while UUCWC receives a donation of anywhere from 4% to 12% of the card’s value. Look here to review the details.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Connect with UU Faith Action, New Jersey’s issues and social justice advocacy voice, connecting New Jersey UU congregations. Pennsylvania’s counterpart is UUJusticePA.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |