Please join us on Sundays at UUCWC as we strive to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online. If joining us in person, we continue to strongly recommend vaccination against Covid, including booster shots for all persons, but do not require vaccination; masking is optional.
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In this issue:
Growing Ever After, by Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry
Not Bored on the Board, by Denny Rodgers, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees
It Ain’t About the Money – Really – Meet The Stewardship Team,
by Jane Root and Scott Blaydon, Co-chairs, Stewardship
Finance Team Starts Anew, by Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee
Join Us for These Musical Sundays!, by Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry
Do You Buy Food or Use a Drug Store?, by Holly Bussey, for the Raise Right Team
Growing Ever After
Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry
On the surface, Stephen Sondheim’s musical Into the Woods is merely a musical about fairytales. In the first act we see classic fairytale characters such as Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Jack before his beanstalk. Their lives intertwine as their paths cross in the woods during their individual adventures. The first act ends with a grand, “happily ever after” song tying up all the loose ends.
The second act is where things get interesting as we see what happens after “happily ever after.” All the characters are happily and peacefully living their lives. All their problems from the first act have been resolved. Cinderella is no longer alone and under her evil stepmother’s rule. Jack and his mother no longer have financial troubles. They sing about how they are “so happy.” Then a major event creates new problems for them and sparks a need for the characters to go back into the woods. As they prepare to go back, they sing,
“Into the woods,
It’s always when
You think at last
You’re through, and then
Into the woods you go again
To take another journey.”
The characters are surprised when they need to go into the woods again. Hadn’t they solved all their problems? Wasn’t life supposed to be simple now that they have their wishes fulfilled? How could a new problem arise? Didn’t they already have their happily ever after?
Read more here….
Not Bored on the Board
Denny Rodgers, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees
As a newcomer to the UUCWC Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee, I have been asked to submit my impressions to date.
Some background – I agreed to serve on the Finance Committee as Treasurer and learned that I automatically became a Board member. Furthermore, I became a member of the Board’s Executive Committee.
Magically, one anticipated monthly meeting turned into THREE. Despite some anticipation of tedium, I have found the meetings to be very stimulating.
Delving into the church finances gave me a real appreciation for the workings of the church. It’s not about the numbers as much as the considerable work it takes by so many to produce those numbers. I get to interface with those from Stewardship, Endowment, Auction, Capital Campaign, and Fundraising – the “interconnected web” of UUCWC.
The Board
My first Board meeting was fascinating. Sure, there was a mundane discussion about funding for a new budget line item. But, I experienced my first “Discernment Circle” where each of us is given an opportunity to have input into decision making. At this meeting, the discussion was about a proposed Eagle Scout project for UUCWC. I saw covenantal relationship working at its best. All pro and con viewpoints were respectfully considered and thoughtful discussion led to a consensus.
I have found these two congregational engagement opportunities to be very nourishing.
 It Ain’t About the Money – Really – Meet The Stewardship Team
Jane Root and Scott Blaydon, Co-chairs, Stewardship
If you’ve spent any time in churches, or other places of worship, you probably know all about “stewardship.” You may have even been asked to serve on the stewardship team. “Oh no,” you replied, “I hate asking people for money!”
We don’t know how stewardship got such a distorted reputation. We think it’s because people confuse stewardship with ASKING when, in fact, the purpose of stewardship is GIVING. The Stewardship Committee identifies opportunities for the congregation to support and sustain our church as it fulfills its mission: Celebrating Life, Creating Community and Changing the World.
Recently, we asked our stewardship team what they think of when they hear the term “stewardship.” “Maintaining those things I care most about,” said one member. “Ensuring sufficient resources are available so the church can do its important activities,” replied another. It means “serving as keepers, caretakers” and it is “one of the ways we have of fulfilling the ministry of our church.”
You’ll be hearing more about this approach to stewardship in future communications. But first we’d like to introduce the members of the team: Scott Blaydon, Leon Brooks, Anne Godlasky, Ron Iannacone, Denny Rodgers, Jane Root, David Schumann, and Klaus Zechner. Together we bring more than 140 years of commitment to Unitarian Universalism and to UUCWC.
Stewardship is one of the ways we fulfill the ministry of the congregation – growing, nurturing and supporting the spiritual life of UUCWC. Over the next few months, we’ll highlight some of these themes and show how your support makes a difference. Contact us at
Finance Team Starts Anew
Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee
The finance team has reconvened with two returning members of last year’s team, Barbara Drew (Auction Team) and John Unger (At-large), and a fresh and energized group including: Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert (Endowment), George Faulkner (Capital Project Treasurer), Denny Rodgers (UUCWC Treasurer and Board Liaison), Sandee Steinberg and Nathalie Edmond (At-large members), and Jim Sanders as a one-year interim chairperson.
What is the same and what is new?
We continue to review and monitor the church’s operating budget and make recommendations to the board for adjustments or items to watch, implement policies and procedures from the previous year, and formulate the budget, among other roles.
BUT, this year, we are looking at expanding our roles in a NEW way.
Since our membership on the team is made up of the chairs of other teams, we are mindful that our team members already have their own roles in their own teams. Therefore, we gather to provide resources to each other, to share insights, to share needs and frustrations, and to coordinate communications.
Along with our team of At-large members who can move in and out of tasks or projects based on their interests and talents, we are working together and removing silos.
Highlights of our team work so far: read more here….
Join Us for These Musical Sundays!
Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry
The UUCWC Guest Musician Series is back! Fan favorite Megnot Toggia (soprano) will return to the sanctuary for our service on September 24th, and we will welcome pianist Dan Espie for the service on November 12th. Finally, this fall, saxophonist Chris Oatts will join us for the service on December 17th. Stay after the service that day for our annual South Philly Big Band holiday concert! This year, the band will be introducing new repertoire alongside the usual holiday favorites.
In addition to welcoming guest performers to our space, we will highlight the musical talents of some of our young congregants this fall. Oboist Simon Couchoud will perform for our service on October 15th, and violinist Stella Evanini will perform with our choir for our Christmas Eve service. Don’t miss these two very special services featuring some of the rising stars in our midst!
Throughout the fall season, our choir will perform an array of musical works to complement the services. We’ve chosen pieces by James Taylor, Eric Whitacre, Vaughan-Williams, and more. For anyone interested in participating, please note that you do not have to attend weekly rehearsals if it doesn’t work for your schedule. Read more here….

Do You Buy Food or Use a Drug Store?
Holly Bussey, for the Raise Right Team
If your answer to the question in the headline is YES, then you can help raise money for UUCWC with no effort. It doesn’t cost anything. All you need to do is order gift cards for your favorite store and use them to pay for your purchases. Pay for the cards in advance, receive a gift card for the amount paid, and UUCWC receives a percentage of the value of every card purchase.
Last year, our six month pilot program of gift card sales raised $1,000 for UUCWC. Imagine the dollar value we could receive if everyone bought cards for grocery shopping or for drug store purchases – tasks we all do weekly.
Are there gift cards for stores other than grocery and pharmacy available? Yes, there are over 400 (including Amazon, restaurants, retail stores). Using gift cards for your everyday shopping is an easy way to maximize the value UUCWC receives from the Raise Right program.

Read how to order/pay here….

Earth and Climate Ministry’s program using TerraCycle Zero Waste recycling boxes has been very successful. Let’s keep up the good work reducing landfill waste! Look for the bins in the lobby outside the office. Read more here….
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |