There’s so much to do at UUCWC during December: mark your calendars!
Friday, December 2 from 7:00-8:30pm at UUCWC. Ten stations will be set up with different holiday crafts for kids to make as presents for their families. Come for a fun-filled evening, which we’ll share with the kids from HomeFront who come to UUCWC for tutoring every Monday night.
Sunday, December 4: Holiday Plant Sale and Pop-Up Boutique in the lobby after the service. Find the perfect present while supporting UUCWC! Preorder for the Holiday Plant Sale here.
Sunday, December 11:
-Children’s Nativity Pageant at 10:00am (multiplatform). Participatory, no-rehearsal pageant with costumes and carols that is fun for kids–and adults love it, too! All ages welcome.
-South Philly Big Band Concert at 12:00pm. This 17-piece band and vocalist will entertain with holiday favorites, in a concert for the young and young at heart. Suggested donation: $5-20.
We will be offering a robust coffee hour after the service on 12/11, so folks can see the pageant and stay for the concert.
Sunday, December 18: As we celebrate Hannukah and Solstice on this Sunday, enjoy special music by Megnot Toggia, soprano. Stay after the service for the Holiday Bake Sale to purchase baked goods for yourself or others, from our UUCWC bakers.
Wednesday, December 21: Join Rev. Kim at 8pm for a Blue Christmas Service, a space to honor those who grieve during this time, feel the weight of the darkness and cold, or who generally feel out of sync with the forced happiness of the holidays. Bring a candle or many candles, photographs or symbols to this service of music, poetry and reflection. Join this special service here.
Saturday, December 24: Christmas Eve Service at 8:00pm. Join us for a multiplatform, candlelight service retelling the Christmas story, featuring special music by the Crossing Chorale.
Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25) service at 10am online only. Join us for an all-virtual Zoom service: Unitarian Universalist ministers and congregations across the country come together to sing hymns, share readings, and reflect on the meaning of Christmas. Let us share together in the work of honoring the message of this holiday. (There is no in-person gathering (giving our hardworking tech folks a well-deserved respite.)
New Year’s Day (Sunday, January 1, 2023) services are at 10:00am and online via Zoom only. Members of the congregation, representing different generations from teens to 90s, reflect on the question, “What change did you experience or what mattered because you were somewhere at some point in time?” This special service is organized and facilitated by Scott Cullen; there is no in-person gathering (giving our hardworking tech folks a well-deserved respite).