UUCWC has numerous FaceBook groups that are both formal and informal; hosted by congregational leadership and sprung up by community members. Some of the most frequented include: the public page hosted by our Communications Team and primarily taregeting folks looking for information about UUCWC called, “Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing;” a community-oriented page hosted by our Community-Building leadership in which much is discussed from places to go in town to interesting NY Times articles called, “UUCWC Community Building;” and a similar informal group called, “UUCWC.”
In recent weeks, notably before and after the Presidential Election, the Community Building page has become the place for folks who are looking for connection around similar politics, activism and response.
In an effort to give folks a specific place in which to gather around these conversations, and to keep the Community Building page more open to non-partisan conversation acknowledging that of course our diversity is not just in age, race, ability, or orientation the Council for Faith in Action leadership has created a new closed FaceBook page: UUCWC Faith in Action. “Closed” means that one must ask to join the page in order to see or participate in the conversation being had within the group.
If you would like to be involved in these conversations please type into your FaceBook search engine “UUCWC Faith in Action.” From here you can request to join; you will get a notification when this has been accepted.
Staying connected in the ways in which feed you is vital to your health and the health of the congregation. We hope these changes allows everyone to stay connected.