Faith in Action: Supporting UUA Disaster Relief After Hurricane Helene

By Holly Bussey, FEFT Facilitator

As we learn about the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene, we seek ways to help effectively. We want our money to go where it is most needed.

This month, your Faith and Fund Expression Team (FEFT) Ministry will consider making a donation to support UUA Disaster Relief. Each month we meet to discuss strategy and move towards connections. Sometimes, however, the greatest need is a donation of money.

The Disaster Relief Fund is part of a covenant between the UUA and its congregations, between congregations that can give to those in need, and between the UUA and community partners. By aiding our congregations, their members, and their community partners, we embody our faith and values, while Disaster Relief clearly identifies who receives the funds.

Your generosity with the Sunday plate will significantly help FEFT increase our ability to designate funds for this and other causes as we continue to strive to change the world.

Contact if you have questions or are interested in parpicipating in FEFT.