There is no way to truly thank and acknowledge all of the love and care I have received from UUCWC this year, but I want to hold up a deep gratitude for all of you. How does one say goodbye to a place and a people they have fallen in love with. I understand why Reverend Kim uses the words it is a privilege to serve as your minister. I have had that same sense of honor, in my short time here.
It is a gift to have heard so many of your stories, to have gotten to experience the diverse talents of each of you unfold and collaborate in meetings, ministry in and outside of the congregation. In many ways, I feel as though I just arrived and yet the great work I have seen take place here and my own development over the year says otherwise. I will be taking the goodwill and kindness each of you have graced me with me as a touchstone on my journey ahead.
It was a joy to share Vespers with you, exploring the theology of living the tradition through the Seven Principles, sit on many meetings where I appreciated this congregation’s process oriented nature. Starting and ending meetings and worship and gatherings with a chalice lighting and extinguishing, was simple and deep ritual that marked many moments. Watching the sabbatical team and the story associates work collaboratively in Robin’s absence was awesome. And seeing the true organized nature of the church in functioning well, while Reverend Kim took her maternity leave, this time is so important for both the parents and children to celebrate the new configuration.
There were many other fantastic accomplishments that happened at the church this year including adopting the 8th Principle at the annual meeting. Each of you contributed your time and energy, your ideas and love, to the many projects happening in and outside of the church. Without the passion and diligence I saw daily from the many people of UUCWC, none of the many wonderful things that took place in this church would have happened this year. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your care of this congregation, for remembering not only that dissent is the sign of a healthy community, but communicating in covenant is of great value to all involved.
As it has been stated in other places, on my last day here, I will then be unable to be in touch with this beautiful place for a year. This is not because I had a bad experience (quite the opposite actually). This is to demonstrate to the UUA that I as a minister in training, and you as a teaching church can demonstrate good boundaries in saying goodbye well. After that year mark, we can resume connecting.
This last leg of the journey for me will require a lot of reading, writing, studying and integration, so if you have moments throughout the year where you wonder, I wonder how Sue Flynn is? If you can send a smile, good thought, or positive prayer (if you are the praying type) in my direction that would be truly appreciated.
UUCWC, thank you for all of your kindness, teaching and willingness to learn alongside me. It has been an unforgettable year.
Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern