In Relation, Not in Service: Reflections from a New Board Member

By Chris Marietti, Trustee

It’s been a while since I’ve had the privilege of addressing the congregation. Not that I’ve been clamoring to do so. But I want to take a moment and talk about my experience as a new member of the Board of Trustees.

The last time I shared my thoughts with you all, quite a few years ago, I did so from the pulpit, where I’m far less comfortable than I am here, behind my laptop. The assignment was to discuss “why I give” to UUCWC. Part of the message I shared that day was how this is a congregation of superheroes. I’ve been reflecting on that while thinking about writing this article. It’s still a reason I give to this congregation. Today, I want to discuss how meeting regularly with the Board further confirmed this notion.

In a ceremony in early October, we, the congregation, released Susan Irgang from her covenant as the Congregational Administrator.  I’m thankful for the timing of my arrival on the Board this summer because I witnessed at least a few meetings’ worth of what made Susan so special in that role. At that service, Rev. Kim reminded us that Susan’s time in that position was marked by her dedication to be in relation with the congregation rather than in service to it. I loved this reframe because I think it’s easy (especially as a wide-eyed new Board member) to feel we are assembled to serve. 

But that is not what we’re doing. To the best of our ability, we represent the views and needs of our congregants as we choose the best path forward. We are not a perfect representation. We acknowledge that we are still a room of white-passing cis-gendered people. And while we are aware of those identities, they do not necessarily give us the perspective one might bring from the global majority or trans community. But each month, we renew our covenant to do our best to do this work together and make decisions on behalf of this community we are in relation with.

As we’ve tackled concepts like the strategic plan for the next few years, including budgets, stewardship, ongoing construction, and the Capital Campaign, I see no shortage of heroes sitting in these meetings. People who give of their time and energy with the intent of helping to celebrate life, create community, and change the world. People who are heroes but are also just people with diverse perspectives. As a new member, I entered the room looking up to these people and those who had served before them, wondering if I was worthy of this honor. As I attend these meetings and see everyone at work, I know that I am because, like them and like those of you who have come before and those of you who will come next, I am in relation with this whole community of heroes.

So, my call to action is to seek us out!  Let us know what we might not know. Check in. Contact us at I love that, for a short time, I have the opportunity to be in this unique relationship with you and hold that responsibility respectfully. And then, one day, I will pass it on to another of you. While here, I hope to relate with you to the best of my ability. Although I may be more of a wallflower when I’m physically among you, know I’m savoring the opportunity to talk to you. Yes! Especially you! You whom I know well, whose face I know but name I don’t (and vice-versa), and you whom I have yet to meet.

I look forward to our next meeting. Be well and do good.