There is a passion for social action at UUCWC which extends beyond a single group or committee. Different committees, teams and task forces take action to address identified needs at UUCWC, in our community, and in the world. This includes the Council for Faith in Action, Earth Ministry, and our partnership with HomeFront and UU FaithAction NJ.
Our commitment to social justice is evident when we light our five Candles of Fellowship during the Sunday service. We light these candles to remind ourselves and our children of our work to create a world that is fair and caring. In this spirit, we also commit fifty percent of the Sunday plate to social action, enabling UUCWC to support social justice initiatives within our walls, and contribute to an array of community organizations.
Commitments Recognized By Our Candles of Fellowship
- Our church is a Peace Site, dedicated to promoting peace.
- Our church is a Welcoming Congregation, where people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender can participate authentically and openly.
- Our church is working to build a race-conscious and multicultural community through our actions to dismantle racism and other intersecting oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. We commit to the work of anti-racism and collective liberation.
- Our church is working to remove all barriers so those who are differently abled can participate fully in our faith community.
- Our church is a Green Sanctuary, dedicated to caring for our building and grounds and all places on this earth in ways that respect the interconnected web of all existence of which we are a part.