New Political Realities for Justice Making in NJ and Beyond
Sunday, November 12, 12:30pm – 3:00pm
at the UU Congregation at Montclair
Remember to cast your vote on Election Day, November 7th. Simply voting, however, is only the first step: the next one is to consider what we can do make sure that our votes have meaning and politicians are held to their promises.
UU FaithAction NJ (formerly the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ) will be hosting a post-election conference titled “New Political Realities for Justice Making in NJ and Beyond” at the UU Congregation at Montclair on Sunday, November 12th from 12:30 to 3:00. Together we will outline what we believe the impact of the election will be on the top issues for many UUs and seek input on what we can do to help effect change in Trenton. What changes would you like to see in the coming year in areas, like economic justice, gun violence protection, criminal justice reform, environmental protection and other issues? Your voices are important and needed! Meeting will be held in Fletcher Hall after the 11:00 service. Lunch will be served.