Special Presentation on the Green Amendment 10/26 at 7pm

If you have been curious about the “Green Amendment,” here’s the perfect opportunity to learn about it! Maya K. van Rossum, founder of the Green Amendment for the Generations Movement and author of The Green Amendment, The People’s Fight For A Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment, will present a talk on Thursday, October 26 at 7:00pm in … Continue reading Special Presentation on the Green Amendment 10/26 at 7pm

Fall Guest Musicians

Director of Music Ministry Erin Busch has arranged another incredible line-up of guest musicians and concerts for Fall/Winter 2023. On September 24, hear soprano Mignot Toggia at Sunday Worship.  Megnot graduated with her M.M. in Voice Performance from Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance. She has been seen in Opera Ithaca’s productions of Gianni … Continue reading Fall Guest Musicians

Finance Team Starts Anew

by Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee The finance team has reconvened with two returning members of last year’s team, Barbara Drew (Auction Team) and John Unger (At-large), and a fresh and energized group including: Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert (Endowment), George Faulkner (Capital Project Treasurer), Denny Rodgers (UUCWC … Continue reading Finance Team Starts Anew

Join us for These Musical Sundays!

by Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry The UUCWC Guest Musician Series is back! Fan favorite Megnot Toggia (soprano) will return to the sanctuary for our service on September 24th, and we will welcome pianist Dan Espie for the service on November 12th. Finally, this fall, saxophonist Chris Oatts will join us for the service … Continue reading Join us for These Musical Sundays!

Growing Ever After

by Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry On the surface, Stephen Sondheim’s musical Into the Woods is merely a musical about fairytales. In the first act we see classic fairytale characters such as Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Jack before his beanstalk. Their lives intertwine as their paths cross in the woods during their … Continue reading Growing Ever After

Not Bored on the Board

by Denny Rodgers, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees As a newcomer to the UUCWC Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee, I have been asked to submit my impressions to date. Some background – I agreed to serve on the Finance Committee as Treasurer and learned that I automatically became a Board member. Furthermore, I … Continue reading Not Bored on the Board

It Ain’t About the Money – Really – Meet the Stewardship Team

by Jane Root and Scott Blaydon, Co-chairs, Stewardship If you’ve spent any time in churches, or other places of worship, you probably know all about “stewardship.” You may have even been asked to serve on the stewardship team. “Oh no,” you replied, “I hate asking people for money!” We don’t know how stewardship got such … Continue reading It Ain’t About the Money – Really – Meet the Stewardship Team

“Writing Your Memorial Service” Class by Rev. Kim Coming in August

Adult Faith Engagement is offering a new class with Rev. Kim. “Writing your Memorial Service” Class 1: Thursday 8/17 12-2 Class 2: Tuesday 8/22 12-2 Class 3: Thursday 8/24 12-2 Reflect on memorial services, funerals and celebrations of life. Rev. Kim will help participants reflect on and consider their own wishes.  To register, email rpugh@uucwc.org.