How Does Our Garden Grow?

by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry Allie’s Garden has been fully planted, thanks in part to help from our Children’s Faith Engagement participants. Our crops of carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash are off to a good start. Volunteers to water the garden are lined up for the entire summer when needed. We … Continue reading How Does Our Garden Grow?

UUCWC Works and Enjoys General Assembly 2023

By Holly Bussey, Denominational Affairs Liaison More than 4,100 Unitarian Universalists participated in the multiplatform General Assembly (GA) June 21–25, with 1,768 online registrants and 2,380 in-person registrants in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From the David L. Lawrence Convention Center onsite participants absorbed stunning views of the Allegheny River and picturesque downtown architecture. Online participants enjoyed their … Continue reading UUCWC Works and Enjoys General Assembly 2023

UUCWC’s Generosity Tops $30,000

by Holly Bussey, Faith Expression Funding Team Facilitator “Generosity and gratitude are inexplicably linked” –Judith Martin Most of us are familiar with the Sunday Service Financial Affirmation that says, in part, “50% of the plate goes to causes, outside our walls, that are helping to change the world.” The ministry responsible for evaluating causes and … Continue reading UUCWC’s Generosity Tops $30,000

Four Is My Number One

By Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry It’s hard to pick, but I think the fourth Unitarian Universalist principle is my favorite. I believe that a free and responsible search for truth and meaning is the core of our faith development at all ages. We are blessed with the freedom to explore and find what … Continue reading Four Is My Number One

Our Financial Year In Review

By Steve Saddlemire, Past Chair, Finance Committee The past twelve months have been active and productive for the Finance Committee. We established a number of important initiatives and I am pleased to provide an update on their status. Our important tasks included: All the members of the Finance Committee should be proud of these accomplishments … Continue reading Our Financial Year In Review

UUA Elects New President

It is with great enthusiasm that the UUA welcomes the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as the tenth UUA President! We also note that this is not the first time the Rev. Dr. Betancourt has served as leader of the Association. She was appointed co-president for an interim period in 2017 and provided guidance and care … Continue reading UUA Elects New President

Highlights from a Historic General Assembly

UUA NewsletterUnitarian Universalist AssociationJuly 2023 As we do each year, Unitarian Universalists from across the United States and beyond came together for worship, learning and growth, decision making, and faithful re-connection at General Assembly (GA) in the third week of June. Speakers were passionate, the music was moving, and important decisions were made. This GA was also … Continue reading Highlights from a Historic General Assembly