Why I Support UUCWC

by Heather Edwards, Trustee, Board of Trustees During this stewardship season, I’ve been reflecting on what UUCWC means to me and why I feel a responsibility to support our church both financially and through volunteering. If you had told me in my early twenties that a religious community would be such a central part of … Continue reading Why I Support UUCWC

March 2023 Capital Campaign Update

by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign Status: We have MORE great news! The Hopewell Township Planning Board approved our proposed site plan and we now can move forward with hiring the general contractor for our project. Hopewell Township will now review the architectural plans for building permits, a process that should take about 6 weeks. … Continue reading March 2023 Capital Campaign Update

Endowment Update

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee This is the time of year the Endowment Committee usually calls for grant requests for items of need that are not in the annual budget. However, due to the lackluster performance of our Endowment Funds in comparison to our contributions, the Endowment Committee is sorry to report we will … Continue reading Endowment Update

UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs June will be here before you know it when our UUA General Assembly (GA) will meet in Pittsburgh. There is still time to register and attend. To date, Alison Streit Baron, Holly Bussey, Jennifer Ciccolini, Heather Edwards, Jim Sanders, Dan Tuft and Robin Pugh are attending as delegates. Heather … Continue reading UUCWC Prepares for General Assembly

Loaves and Fishes 2023

2023 will bring more changes to the annual Loaves and Fishes project. For many years, UUCWC has partnered with the Princeton Congregation to provide a hot meal to the hungry in Trenton on one Saturday a year. Loaves and Fishes was begun because charitable organizations did not serve meals over the weekend. Fortunately, these organizations … Continue reading Loaves and Fishes 2023

More Terracycle Bins for Waste Recycling!

UUCWCers really like their coffee…your recycling efforts filled the bin for Coffee Capsules in just a few months! Never fear, another bin will accept your capsules (no loose coffee grounds).  We continue to have bins for Candy/Snack Wrappers, Oral Care, and have 2 new bins for Misc. Waste and Dinner/Party items. Click here to view/download a complete list on acceptable and … Continue reading More Terracycle Bins for Waste Recycling!