Senator Shirley Turner to Speak at UUCWC 3/11/23

Join UUCWC’s Faith Action Ministry and Represent.Us as we welcome Senator Shirley Turner to UUCWC as she speaks about ending the county line ballot and ranked choice voting bills. Help get Sen. Turner’s bills — Ending the County Line for NJ’s primaries (S3546) and Supporting Instant Runoffs/RCV in local elections (S267) — out of committee and onto the floor for votes! Hear the … Continue reading Senator Shirley Turner to Speak at UUCWC 3/11/23

Listening Circles: Proposed UUCWC Covenant based on our 2018 commitment to the Eighth Principle

  The Racial Justice Ministry is hosting Listening Circles (listed below) to give friends and members the opportunity to discuss the proposed Covenant related to the 8th Principle.  At the meeting where we discussed and approved this Principle in 2018 there was discussion about what it means to hold ourselves ‘accountable’ to this commitment.  We invite … Continue reading Listening Circles: Proposed UUCWC Covenant based on our 2018 commitment to the Eighth Principle

UUA Presidential Election Updates from Rachel Walden, UUA Communications

Rachel Walden, of UUA Communications, shares this important update on the UUA Presidential election: This is a truly momentous year in Unitarian Universalism. As current UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray winds down her six-year term, delegates from UU congregations will elect a new UUA President in June. After the Presidential Search Committee nominated the Rev. … Continue reading UUA Presidential Election Updates from Rachel Walden, UUA Communications

A Message from Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Grey on UUA Principles and Purposes Changes

Happy New Year! I am sending you care as we begin another year. This, 2023, is an important year for Unitarian Universalism.  We are currently in a multi-year process to consider changes to our UUA Principles and Purpose. This process began in 2020 when the UUA Board appointed an Article II Study Commission. This is a dry name for such important … Continue reading A Message from Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Grey on UUA Principles and Purposes Changes

Welcome to the JULIETs

by Bonnie Ruekgauer DID YOU KNOW that UUCWC has a monthly lunch group called JULIETs? The name is an acronym for “Just Us Ladies Into Eating and Talking.” Going back to the early 2000s, the lunches were held at the church, with three rotating hosts preparing the meal each month. After a few years, the … Continue reading Welcome to the JULIETs

Amazon “Smile” Program Ends But We Have “RaiseRight”

by Holly Bussey and Wendy Stasolla, for Fundraising For years, non-profits have raised monies when supporters designate the non-profits in their Amazon purchases to receive a small but helpful contribution from Amazon through the Smile Program. UUCWC is no exception. However, it appears that the Smile Program will end as of February, 2023. We encourage … Continue reading Amazon “Smile” Program Ends But We Have “RaiseRight”