UUA President Elections notice

(reprinted from UUA email 12/1/22 to congregations) The UUA Presidential Search Committee (PSC) has nominated the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as candidate for UUA President, for the 2023-2029 term. Rev. Dr. Betancourt is an experienced leader and theologian in Unitarian Universalism, including formerly serving as a professor at Starr King School for the Ministry, and … Continue reading UUA President Elections notice

The Practice of Compassionate Communication

by Peter A. Rafle, Sr., Right Relations Committee In our current era of misinformation and raised rhetoric, it has become even more important to possess the tools to resolve conflicts and create a basis for ongoing communication. One way of resolving conflict is to use the process of Compassionate Communication. Compassionate Communication enables an exploration … Continue reading The Practice of Compassionate Communication

Finance Committee Completes Major Initiatives

by Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Finance Committee One of the Finance Committee’s primary initiatives from last fiscal year (2021/22) was to formalize several of the processes we follow when conducting business for the church. This included developing policies and procedures for: • the Endowment Committee• addressing budget overruns• determining available cash in the operating reserve• operating … Continue reading Finance Committee Completes Major Initiatives

December Happenings at UUCWC!

There’s so much to do at UUCWC during December: mark your calendars! Friday, December 2 from 7:00-8:30pm at UUCWC. Ten stations will be set up with different holiday crafts for kids to make as presents for their families. Come for a fun-filled evening, which we’ll share with the kids from HomeFront who come to UUCWC for tutoring … Continue reading December Happenings at UUCWC!

UUCWC can benefit from your Holiday Shopping!

By participating Amazon Smile and/or buying your gift cards to give others (or use yourself) through Raise Right. UUCWC will get money and it costs you nothing extra. Best of all, you can benefit UUCWC all year by using them for your everyday shopping!  use the link below to download the flyer for ordering.

Special Recycling Collection

Save your used toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers, snack & candy wrappers, and coffee capsules/pods or tea disks for an on-going collection! There are 3 separate bins for oral care, coffee and snack items, usually non-recyclable, located opposite the offices by the stairway. Collection lasts until we fill the bins! Hosted by Earth Ministry Team, … Continue reading Special Recycling Collection