UUCWC Holiday Gift 2022

The YEAR-END GIFT is a very special way to contribute to the life of the church during the holiday season. This effort supports everything from faith engagement to membership, from our staff to our food ministry — all the things that make the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing so important in our lives, and in the life … Continue reading UUCWC Holiday Gift 2022

Capital Campaign Project Update

by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign On October 16, the congregation voted to move forward with the Capital Project, including incurring mortgage debt up to $400,000, should it be necessary. The Steering Committee will notify the selected contractor and ascertain when construction can begin. In the meantime, our attorney and our civil engineer will present … Continue reading Capital Campaign Project Update

As We Head Into the Holiday Season, What Are You Thankful for at UUCWC?

by Jamie Evanini, Vice-President, UUCWC Board of Trustees Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means our thoughts turn to raking leaves, eating turkey, and remembering what we’re thankful for. On my own personal gratitude list, you’ll find UUCWC! I’m so grateful to have a community of people with whom I’ve had the chance to … Continue reading As We Head Into the Holiday Season, What Are You Thankful for at UUCWC?

The Food Ministry Team is Back in the Kitchen!

by Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team Since the start of the pandemic, UUCWC’s Food Ministry (FM) has been periodically providing ready-assembled meals to Luther Arms Apartments, an affordable housing complex for seniors in downtown Trenton. On October 7th, a number of our members met with Rebecca James, Luther Arms’ Resident Service Coordinator, to take a … Continue reading The Food Ministry Team is Back in the Kitchen!

Racial Justice Ministry Considers Reparations

by Regina Podhorin Zilinski The Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) recently hosted a speaker from the Unitarian Universalist Faith Action New Jersey (UUFANJ) Reparations Task Force to update us on their activities and plans to move forward the conversation about reparations in New Jersey. As a result of this conversation, we have decided to engage more … Continue reading Racial Justice Ministry Considers Reparations

Faith Forward Returns Multiplatform

Faith Forward is a fifty-minute program offered after Sunday services for every single participant (visitor, member, friend) to learn how we do church. It aims to integrate members, facilitate growth, faith development and leadership development.  Sessions run consecutively on topics such as: UU History, Principles and Sources; Faith Engagement for Children and Adults, Worship and the Liturgical Year, Right … Continue reading Faith Forward Returns Multiplatform