Turkeys for TASK – 2024

Many supermarkets give away free frozen turkeys to frequent shoppers. Why not donate yours (free or purchased) to TASK? The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) provides meals in the Trenton area and offers programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life of its patrons. Turkeys are a mainstay of TASK’s day-to-day menu. They … Continue reading Turkeys for TASK – 2024

Finance Committee Update

By Sandee Steinberg, Finance Committee Chairperson Now that the church year is underway, I want to update you on our committee’s work. The committee consists of chairs and leaders of other committees, as well as members-at-large. Every month, we review the current state of the budget, as presented to us by our Treasurer, Denny Rodgers. … Continue reading Finance Committee Update

Faith in Action: Supporting UUA Disaster Relief After Hurricane Helene

By Holly Bussey, FEFT Facilitator As we learn about the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene, we seek ways to help effectively. We want our money to go where it is most needed. This month, your Faith and Fund Expression Team (FEFT) Ministry will consider making a donation to support UUA Disaster Relief. Each month we … Continue reading Faith in Action: Supporting UUA Disaster Relief After Hurricane Helene

Giving Thanks

By Susan Irgang As I end my 14 years at UUCWC, I want to share a few gratitudes.   To those who planned such a thoughtful and overwhelming retirement celebration, please accept my appreciation for a very memorable day. To those who made donations in honor of my retirement to Studio Route 29, a small nonprofit … Continue reading Giving Thanks

Sustaining Our Legacy: From Capital Campaign to Endowment Contributions

By Bonnie Gilbert, Co-Chair, Endowment Committee We are all happy to have the Capital Campaign construction nearly complete and even happier that it is almost paid for. If you have completed, or almost completed, your Capital Campaign pledge, you may wonder what you can do to support the church and keep that tax deduction. Here’s … Continue reading Sustaining Our Legacy: From Capital Campaign to Endowment Contributions

Wearing Our Mission: New UUCWC T-Shirts Amplify Our Advocacy and Community

By Victoria Locane, Racial Justice Ministry At a recent Racial Justice Ministry (RJM) meeting, the team came together to answer the question: How do we show others the mission of UUCWC?  Inspired by other advocacy groups, we were inspired to show the UUCWC mission in the world via a T-shirt. We thought that, as a group, seeing … Continue reading Wearing Our Mission: New UUCWC T-Shirts Amplify Our Advocacy and Community