Inside Cosmic Crossings with UUCWC’s Nick Mellis

By Scott Cullen, CrossCurrents Editor Welcome to the first of an ongoing Q&A series featuring congregation members. In our first installment, Nick Mellis, the promoter behind the Cosmic Crossings concert series, discusses his inspiration for starting the series, the music, the challenges of running a non-profit concert series, and why UUCWC is an excellent venue … Continue reading Inside Cosmic Crossings with UUCWC’s Nick Mellis

Roland Rahn Memorial Scholarship Supports Graduating Culinary Academy Students

by Chris Piatek, Food Ministry Team Roland (Rollie) Rahn, a cherished UUCWC member for many years, was devoted to the Food Ministry and to serving the church in countless ways. Rollie had a passion for cooking and made meals for others whenever he could. When Rollie passed away in 2015, his wife Lori and daughters … Continue reading Roland Rahn Memorial Scholarship Supports Graduating Culinary Academy Students

Meet Your 2024-2025 Finance Team

By Sandee Steinberg, Chair, Finance Committee The Finance Team is lucky to have many returning members this year, as well as an excellent addition. The returning members are Barbara Drew (Auction Team), Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert (Endowment), George Faulkner (Capital Project Treasurer), and Denny Rodgers (UUCWC Treasurer and … Continue reading Meet Your 2024-2025 Finance Team

All Aboard for GA 2025!

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs Many ideas were generated at this year’s General Assembly (GA). Whether or not a congregation wishes to further study, discuss, and take action is up to them. UUCWC will be working to incorporate our Values statement into all we do along with our continued work with racial justice and … Continue reading All Aboard for GA 2025!

Highlights from a Historic Virtual General Assembly

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs With love centered as a core value of the faith, more than 3,400 Unitarian Universalists from around the country and world gathered for an all-virtual Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (GA) 2024, June 20–23. GA brought together 2,757 credentialed delegates from 734 congregations in 50 states as well as … Continue reading Highlights from a Historic Virtual General Assembly