UUA Statement Condemning Shooting at PA Political Rally

The Unitarian Universalist Association issued the following statement condemning the shooting at a Pennsylvania political rally on Saturday, July 13th. Unitarian Universalism believes in the right of free speech and the democratic process. Attacks like those at Saturday’s political rally weaken democracy, and the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns this attack. At a time when democracy … Continue reading UUA Statement Condemning Shooting at PA Political Rally

Poetry: Shannon TL Kearns Podcast with Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Rev. Kim was recently interviewed by Shannon TL Kearns on the podcast Living the Process. In the episode, Creating Poetry Out of Grief, Rev. Kim discussed her role as a self-described “grief poet”. You can access the podcast here. To discover more of Rev. Kim’s poetry, you can explore or subscribe to textures.substack.com. 

Rev. Kim Wildszewski Appointed Poet Laureate of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) Foundation

Rev. Kim Wildszewski, mother of Malcolm, has been appointed as the first Poet Laureate of the SUDC Foundation. REv. Kim’s poignant poetry adds a heartfelt touch to SUDC events, starting with a special poem for the 2024 Memorial Ceremony. Her role includes raising SUDC awareness and supporting those in grief. Rev. Kim also leads Lectio … Continue reading Rev. Kim Wildszewski Appointed Poet Laureate of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) Foundation

UUA General Assembly Adopts Article II: Love at the Center

From Rev. Kim: Friends, it has just been announced that, after years of discernment, listening and amending, the general assembly of Unitarian Universalists voted overwhelmingly to evolve the articulation of our living tradition. Article II, where the 7 Principles were listed in our bylaws, now centers Love through 7 Values. Unitarian Universalism now unequivocally puts Love at the … Continue reading UUA General Assembly Adopts Article II: Love at the Center

Endowment Fund Announces Awards

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that, due to the growth of the fund during 2023, grants could be awarded this year. After reviewing applications from various committees and ministries, the Endowment Committee made these awards: To the Earth and Climate Ministry for work in the mechanical room … Continue reading Endowment Fund Announces Awards

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride

by Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry My first Pride in Philly in 2018 was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. The queer and trans community in the city helped me reach new levels of growth. With their continual support since I moved here, I have not only grown but more importantly … Continue reading Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride