A Life That Changed Lives

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be the focus of our worship service. Dr. King’s commitment to racial justice, and his fearless willingness to speak truth to power, transformed lives. We honor his legacy and discuss ways to “keep hope alive.” We may not possess his oratorical skills or his brilliance with the written word, but we can participate actively in the quest for justice. As he said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” Here at UUCWC, we will not remain silent. Join us on this most important Sunday.

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January Theme: Integrity
We know that integrity is about the way we act: acting in alignment with our values, acting honestly, acting faithfully. In this sense, it is forward-looking. But it’s easy to forget that integrity also is about looking backward. In other words, it’s not just about how well we act; it’s about how well we remember. Important life lessons come our way. Some of them stick and some slip away. Our integrity is determined by whether we remember them or forget, whether we hold our life lessons close or let them evaporate.
