Sooner or later, no matter how successful our lives, our communities, or our life’s work, we will inevitably start to experience doubt and anxiety in our lives. As UU’s, doubt and questioning are part of the “DNA” of our faith, but they are not always welcome. Today’s service is a celebration of doubt, and what the experiences of faith communities of the past can teach us about what to embrace about doubt and uncertainty today.
Valerie Freseman is a 2014 graduate of Union Theological Seminary. She has served congregations in NY, NJ, and Ohio, as well as a residency in hospital chaplaincy in Hartford, CT. She has written for the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans’ blog and will be ordained by the 4th Universalist Society in the City of New York this coming June. Before entering the ministry, she worked for many years in development in New York and was active as a leader in the NYC earth-centered community.
Topics: Balance