UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am, live streamed via Zoom. Please check here for details.
In the midst of the horrible and destructive COVID-19 pandemic, let us pause to give thanks for the abundant blessings of our Mother Earth. We come from the earth, are sustained by the earth, and to it we will return. Earth Day was a response fifty years ago to an environment in crisis — oil spills, smog, rivers so polluted they literally caught fire. Today, Climate Change remains the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.
Rev. Charles Stephens retired as the minister of UUCWC in 2012. Since that time he and Alison, his wife, have lived in Blue Hill, Maine in the home they built on the woodlot they bought in 1982. They live nestled in the woods. Since moving to Maine, Charles has served as the Interim Minister for the Castine UU Congregation and continues to guest speak at a number of UU congregations, officiate at weddings, provide individual spiritual direction in person and remotely, and helped bring the UU Wellspring Program to the Ellsworth UU Congregation. He and Alison have developed a lifestyle where they cut their firewood from their property, developed a vegetable garden and planted fruit trees. They plan to restart keeping bees after the interruption last year caused by bear destruction and hive die-off. Charles is proud of being the Minister Emeritus at UUCWC and was pleased to be asked to lead a service for this wonderful congregation.
Topics: Liberation