Rev. Sue Goodwin
Individualism takes us only so far. In Zulu, there is a word “Ubuntu”. It is translated as: I am because we are. Philosophically it implies a belief in a universal bond that connects all humanity. Our UU faith tradition reminds us of this truth with our 7th Principle: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” With the theme of “Belonging” bookmarking the month of October, this Sunday will find us imagining how much we can create community, celebrate life and change the world when we do it together.
October Theme: Belonging
Just saying the word “belonging” conjures it up: The hunger to be included; the longing to be let in. No one likes standing outside the circle. No one likes leaning against the locked door listening to everyone laughing inside. From the time we are little, belonging is the thing we seek. It’s the hoped for Holy Grail at the end of our journeys. Or is it just the beginning of our journey?
Topics: Belonging