UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details.
The world we live in today feels more divided than ever. In these times, people—and faith communities—who bridge or belie binaries of gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, politics, and religion are deeply needed. Join guest speaker Zr. Alex Kapitan, a non-binary and queer raised-UU leader, for a service about how we can destroy binaries and create faith communities—and ultimately a wider world—where each of us can bring our full selves forward.
Zr. Alex Kapitan is a lay community minister, educator, editor, consultant, and organizer. A trans and queer lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Alex does interfaith LGBTQ work and supports congregations in becoming places of radical welcome for all. Ze is the co-founder of the Transforming Hearts Collective, the co-leader of the program Trans Inclusion in Congregations, and the founder of Radical Copyeditor, an anti-oppressive language project.
Topics: Becoming