We are delighted to welcome Rev. Shawn Torres-Anderson as guest speaker at UUCWC.
In Christian traditions, it is taught to extend grace even if it means that we must negotiate our humanity in the process. Since this is a gift from the divine, we must be very careful how and when we use it. This sermon will help us re-imagine the gift of grace as a way of offering healing to marginalized communities.
Rev. Shawn Torres-Anderson is Associate Minister at Bethany Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey, where he serves in the Church’s health ministry, which focuses on health issues that greatly impact the healthy life of the African American community, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and mental illness. His role in the Church’s health ministry is as Public Health Navigator, organizing COVID-19
testing events in conjunction with education and awareness sessions for the Church and local community.
For the last 8 years, Rev. Torres-Anderson working in public health at AIDS service organizations, including Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services in Columbia, South Carolina, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and the Latino Commission on AIDS, & Ciciatelli & Associates all in New York City. Rev. Torres-Anderson studied and graduated from Benedict College where he received his Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Development concentrating in curriculum writing. Shawn continued his education by studying at Union Theological Seminary concentrating on Pastoral Ministry and Practical Theology, focusing on the intersection of spirituality and sexuality. He graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 2017 and is currently studying for the Doctor of Ministry at United Theological Seminary.
Shawn is married to Joseph Anderson and they reside in East Orange, NJ with their dog-daughter Ariele.