Love, Love, Love

We welcome guest preacher Rev. Karen Hutt.

The Rev. Karen Hutt is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, a credentialed Clinical Pastoral Educator, and a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently, she is the Vice President of Student Experience and Culture at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. She was a co-founder and co-pastor of Church of the Open Door, a dual-affiliated United Church of Christ/Unitarian Universalist congregation that served Chicago’s Black LGBTQ population from 1997-2005. Rev. Hutt went on to serve as a chaplain and Clinical Pastoral Educator in several large hospital systems in both Chicago and Minneapolis. She is widely regarded as one of the most innovative educators in the Clinical Pastoral Education field, and her work has been published in the Journal for Reflective Practice and Supervision. From 2005-2014, she also served as the part-time Executive Director of Companions Journeying Together, Inc., an interfaith prison ministry that worked with clients in prisons and jails around the state of Illinois. She is the editor of The Call to Care: Essays by Unitarian Universalist Chaplains (Skinner House Books, 2016).
