Archives: Services

Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly

As Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us in these five words, sometimes the simplest messages can offer the greatest grounding. On this Joys and Sorrows Sunday, Intern Minister Lisa Schilansky will help us explore what messages we hope for and need to hear from the universe.

This … read more.

For Centuries to Come

And how will we nurture one another now? Gather this Sunday to remember and re-member how we will live into this still, and always, creative world.

Breaking Open, Not Apart

On the Sunday before our nation’s historic election, we come to gather in community, hope, and to regulate our nervous system during this tumultuous time.

Listening on the Wind Phone

For our annual All Souls Sunday, we consider the invitation and blessing of the Wind Phone. What do we hear when we call on our ancestors, the ones we grieve, and the mourning that speaks from within our hearts?

Repentance: A Collective Breath

Over the past few years, more towns and cities have chosen to turn towards justice and right relationship, observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day rather than Columbus Day. On this Sunday, on the cusp of this day of remembrance and honoring, on the heels of the Jewish … read more.

An Invitation to Breathe

Our breath is always with us, from the first one to the last one. What about all those breaths in between? Join Marianne Alt as she examines how focusing our attention on our breath(ing) can bring greater space and awareness to all areas of our … read more.

Suppose is a Beautiful Word

In this time of uncertainty and tentative hope, how might we learn that suppose is a beautiful word? Rev. Kim is preaching and we welcome to Chelsea Meynig on flute.

Chelsea Meynig is recognized for her rich and versatile tone, as well as captivating narrative power in her … read more.