Archives: Services

Water Ceremony: We Will Have Joy!

Come gather in person and virtually for our beloved Water Ingathering service, a celebration shared among UUs throughout the world. There will be singing (by the Choir!), ritual, and renewal as we create a collective blessing for the year to come. To welcome you back, … read more.

Question Box

Come with your questions about theology, Unitarian Universalism, beliefs, personal practices, or whatever you’re curious about. Ministerial Intern Lisa Schilansky will do her best to answer in this improvisational service.

There will be an opportunity to write your questions out during the service, but sending them … read more.

We Must Go Slowly

On this Joys & Sorrows Sunday, we look once again at what it means to Disrupt Church. This Sunday, we consider our relationship to time, movement, and the speed of life. 

Disrupt Church

Many within Unitarian Universalism are calling to “disrupt church”. Why would we want to disrupt church? And what would be born from the aftermath? Join Rev. Kim, and our guest musicians Lee Schofer and Christa Olson.

Love at the Center

This past June, Unitarian Universalists from around the world voted overwhelmingly at our annual General Assembly to change our bylaws to center our focus on six values with love at the center. Over four days delegates had really hard conversations about who we are and … read more.

Let August Be August

Where does the spirit live in these long summer days? August signals something of an end, which inevitably carries us toward another beginning. How can we let go of July, hold off on September, and let August be August?

To Play is to Regulate

During this hot and challenging season of our lives, we will spend this morning in praise of play. Rev. Kim brings reflections on the high five, the still important parts of competition, and the requirement to regulate our bodies now more than ever before. 

The Lessons of Lucas

When is a movie no longer just a movie but a guide to our lives?  Come journey with ministerial intern Lisa Schilansky to a time long long ago and a land far far away to see what lessons we might glean from the great wonder … read more.

The Power of Lore

Everyone has a favorite story to tell- about your family, your community, or UUCWC. How do the stories we tell tell more than just a great tale? This Sunday, ministerial intern, Lisa Schilansky, will explore the power that storytelling has in our lives. We will … read more.

The Gate

What if the ways we need to take care of ourselves can end up keeping others at arm’s length? Is there a way to care for ourselves and others at the same time? Join ministerial intern, Lisa Schilansky, to explore these questions and more.