Today, UUCWC welcomes guest speaker Erol Delos Santos.
Religion has the potential to spark inspiration, transformational beauty, and revolutionary peace. It also has the potential to cause violence, uphold oppressive systems, and untold trauma. We must always choose the path of love, community, and liberation.
Today, we also welcome Sarah Ahrens, our new Director of Family Ministry, to our services; and we say goodbye to Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry for 30 years, in a retirement celebration following the service.
Erol Delos Santos is an Aspirant with the UUA, and a Divinity student at Union Theological Seminary. He is embraced in love, care, and sponsorship by his home congregation, The Fourth Universalist Society. He currently works as a Communications Coordinator for The Community Church of New York UU and will be joining All Souls New York City as a field education student, and The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Shelter Rock as a ministerial intern in the fall. He currently lives in Harlem, New York with his fiancé, Stephen.
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