Speaker: Caryl Tipton

Born in Bethlehem: A Christmas Pageant

Come participate in our nativity pageant at our family Christmas service.  Only a few roles are cast in advance of the service.  The 27 (or more) remaining participants (including shepherds, stars, kings, and animals) take part as the story is told.  Everyone is invited to sing carols and imagine that they are in Bethlehem 2016 … Continue reading Born in Bethlehem: A Christmas Pageant

Spirituality in Popular Music

The universal language of popular music plays an important spiritual role in our world by filling a void, inspiring hope and even providing spiritual guidance and wisdom in times of tragedy and confusion. From “pop” to rock, hip hop, rap, country and folk, mainstream popular music can inspire soul searching when it reaches beyond the more common romantic, materialistic and … Continue reading Spirituality in Popular Music