Speaker: Lisa Schilansky

We Are the Ones

In this time of rapidly shifting political and social realities, it can all feel completely overwhelming. Naturally, we look to find answers beyond ourselves, other experts who can show us the way. In her last day at UUCWC serving as Intern Minister, Lisa will offer a message to help us find the unexpected places where … Continue reading We Are the Ones

The Promise of Echoes

For centuries, Unitarians, Universalists, and UUs have responded to calls for justice. What can those who have come before teach us about how to show up today? Join Intern Minister Lisa Schilansky on this Sunday when we honor the life of Dr. King.

Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly

As Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us in these five words, sometimes the simplest messages can offer the greatest grounding. On this Joys and Sorrows Sunday, Intern Minister Lisa Schilansky will help us explore what messages we hope for and need to hear from the universe. This service will also feature special music from guest musician … Continue reading Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly

Repentance: A Collective Breath

Over the past few years, more towns and cities have chosen to turn towards justice and right relationship, observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day rather than Columbus Day. On this Sunday, on the cusp of this day of remembrance and honoring, on the heels of the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, how are we called to respond?

Question Box

Come with your questions about theology, Unitarian Universalism, beliefs, personal practices, or whatever you’re curious about. Ministerial Intern Lisa Schilansky will do her best to answer in this improvisational service. There will be an opportunity to write your questions out during the service, but sending them ahead of time is always a help. Lisa will … Continue reading Question Box

Love at the Center

This past June, Unitarian Universalists from around the world voted overwhelmingly at our annual General Assembly to change our bylaws to center our focus on six values with love at the center. Over four days delegates had really hard conversations about who we are and what we believe.  Come hear from your General Assembly delegates … Continue reading Love at the Center

The Lessons of Lucas

When is a movie no longer just a movie but a guide to our lives?  Come journey with ministerial intern Lisa Schilansky to a time long long ago and a land far far away to see what lessons we might glean from the great wonder that is Star Wars. This will be a multi-generational service, … Continue reading The Lessons of Lucas

The Power of Lore

Everyone has a favorite story to tell- about your family, your community, or UUCWC. How do the stories we tell tell more than just a great tale? This Sunday, ministerial intern, Lisa Schilansky, will explore the power that storytelling has in our lives. We will be joined by Silas Irvine for our music.

The Gate

What if the ways we need to take care of ourselves can end up keeping others at arm’s length? Is there a way to care for ourselves and others at the same time? Join ministerial intern, Lisa Schilansky, to explore these questions and more.

The Circle

On this Mother’s Day and Joys and Sorrows Sunday, join ministerial intern, Lisa Schilansky, to explore the ways we might hear echoes as we travel through the great cycle of life.