Speaker: Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Question Box Sermon

Now is the time to ask Rev. Kim the questions about life, ministry, UUCWC, and anything else on your heart and mind. Rev. Kim will answer as many questions posed as she can in a 25 minute time frame. Feel free to send her your … read more.

Celebration Sunday

Come and join in a Sunday of rituals in which we dedicate our children, welcome new members, send our graduates off with love, and thank our volunteers that make it all possible!

June Theme: Blessing
As UU minister, Rev. Don Wheat, puts it, “The religious person … read more.

The Creative Interchange

Rev. Kim will be preaching on a question asked by a member recently, “What happened to the Humanists”? Alternatively called, “You can’t tell your child Evolution loves you.”

May Theme: Creativity

Creativity is our ability to dream things up and make them happen.  – Peggy Taylor

We’re all … read more.

Easter Gifts

We come again to the story of Easter, the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection.  Once again we gather to explore what power this holds for us today and as UUs.

The Myth of Balance

We strive for balance. We engage spiritual practices for balance. Balance can be a spiritual practice. And yet, is it real? Is it attainable? And if not, then what? Due to logistical problems caused by recent inclement weather, the Trenton Children’s Chorus will not be … read more.

The Elevator Speech

What is possible when we dream together, when we create together, when we believe in something with such commitment it is promised for the next generation? We gather this Sunday to celebrate the start of our Stewardship and Capital Campaigns – and all they make … read more.