Speaker: Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Public Theology

Everything about how we do Unitarian Universalism is public theology. On this Sunday, we revisit old stories from which we are still learning, and consider how we might move into the future as a faith. What decisions will we make? How will we go about … read more.

Coming Into Connection

Stories and reflections from the Coming into Connection participants. A celebration of personal credos, new relationships, and growing UU identity. DLRE Robin Pugh to be celebrated as she leave for Sabbatical!

January Theme: Intention
“Here’s what I discovered. Intention is different from setting goals or resolutions … read more.

Songs of Childhood; Thoughts of Intention: A Disney Service

In celebration of Erin Busch’s love of Disney and how she’s incorporated fun and beauty into our Sundays, we gather to consider the spirituality of Disney, not without its challenges, too.


Listen here:


January Theme: Intention
“Here’s what I discovered. Intention is different from setting goals … read more.

Hanging of the Greens

Join once again in our annual Hanging of the Greens multigenerational celebration! In honor of the pagan appreciation and rituals of the evergreen, together we will sing, decorate, and come together to deck our sanctuary halls.


There is no podcast from this participatory service.


December Theme: Hope
… read more.