Speaker: Rev. Kim Wildszewski

Roots Hold Us Close

In this monthly theme of Rootedness, we welcome our Ministerial Resident, Sue Flynn, this Sunday; bless the backpacks gathered for HomeFront and the UUCWC children; and tell the stories of who we are and who we hope to be in the year to come.

August Theme: … read more.

Question Box

The Question Box service is back! Rev. Kim takes the 20 minutes for her sermon and answers questions from the congregation (written on note cards during or before the service). She will answer as many and as thoughtfully as possible within the time! Questions not … read more.

Flower Communion

Each year we take the time to celebrate the seasons that have past through our Water Communion; a ritual shared by Unitarian Universalists throughout the world and originated in 1923 by Unitarian Norbert Capek. Come, celebrate, honor, and don’t forget to bring a flower of … read more.

From Blessings to Bridges

In this month of Joy come and celebrate our children and youth as we dedicate some of our youngest (and their parents) into the life of this village and faith, and share good wishes for what’s next for our high school graduates.

The UUCWC Annual Meeting … read more.

When the Flesh Became Failure

The Body and Flesh were not always separate from the Spiritual, but once an intricate part of the way we ritualized and worshiped. In this month of embodiment, let us consider the spaces we live in, the body, the mind, the heart, and the spirit, … read more.

A Service for Embodiment

“Deep Breaths are like little love notes to your body.” Anon  We’ve been having hard conversations; gearing up for the end of one church year and the start of another; working toward making the Auction successful and many many other things.  Come this Sunday as an … read more.