Speaker: Rev. Kim Wildszewski

The Offensiveness of Pain

Over 600 UU congregations country-wide have chosen either April 30th or May 7th to hold a White Supremacy Teach In.  UUCWC will do the same this week in an effort to learn about these words, their use, and the way they specifically speak to the … read more.

To Risk Ourselves

David Whyte says, “We are here essentially to risk ourselves in the world.” As Unitarian Universalists there are specific ways in which we are called to risk ourselves and specifically in the world.  Gather once more on the theme of Risk and in preparation for … read more.

On the Side of Love

The lyrics to one of our beloved hymns, Standing on the Side of Love, have been rewritten. As we introduce a new theme of Risk, let’s take this Sunday to consider our Candle of Fellowship on Accessibility and the ways in which risking inclusion means … read more.

State of the State

As we kick off a monthly theme of Identity, let’s take a moment to look at who UUCWC is and who we are becoming. The challenges and the opportunities, the bumps and the invitations. What is the state of the state?


Listen to the sermon here:

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