Create Community This Month at UUCWC
Each month, UUCWC celebrates a theme with opportunities for you to deepen your connection within, among and beyond our community.
Important events:
Congregational Meeting, Sunday, January 12 – Calling all members of UUCWC! We need your presence for two important, timely congregational votes: 1. to ordain Ministerial Intern Lisa Schilansky. 2. to use reserve funds to hire a part time, short term Assistant Minister. Check your emails for details.
January’s theme is the Practice of Story. Here are some invitations to become a part of something larger this month:
If you are looking for opportunities among others, as you Create Community
- Breathe – the world needs you whole, Thursday, January 9, from 7:30-8:30pm online, led by Intern Minister Lisa. New attendees are always welcome and new folks join each month! Through guided meditations, and opportunities for sharing about our stresses over world struggles, this is a chance to slow everything down and connect deeply to others at UUCWC. This will only be offered two more times (January and February) before it is permanently discontinued. Don’t miss out!
- Socratic Group, January 14, 1pm, in-person. Begun as part of ROMEOs but open to all, this group discusses a philosophical, ethical, or cultural/political question chosen at the time by those attending.
- Outdoor Adventure Hike, January 19 – January Outdoor Adventure hike, will take place at Goat Hill Overlook Trail in Washington Crossing, N.J. Please RSVP to no less than 3 days from the event and to find out more about the event.
- ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out) Luncheon, January 21 – Location TBD, 12 noon. To RSVP and for more information email
- JULIETs (Just Us Ladies Into Eating and Talking) January 21, 12 noon – JULIETs luncheon is at Ardana Restaurant, 2948 S. Eagle Road (in Village at Newtown). RSVP to host Loren McAlister or by January 19th.
- Tending the Flame, every 1st Thursday at 7:30pm. Parents and caregivers are invited to drop in for a 1-hour time of facilitated connection, support and sharing. Contact
- Friday Night Sing-A-Long, every week with a different theme at 8pm on Zoom**. The Weekly Announcement email has details.
- CLUUSTERS Biking Group, for those who enjoy a two-wheeled way to be in good company. To learn more, contact Michael Howe-Smith/the office at
- 80’s Group for those in their 80s and beyond to connect online or in person. Contact Robin Pugh for details at
**Check your Weekly Announcements for the link information or contact the office at
Click here for the full listing of all opportunities to Celebrate Life, Create Community and Change the World.