By Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in a full-week faith, living out our values every day of the week. One of the things that we deeply believe in is the power and importance of democracy.
This fall, there are myriad ways to get involved with our national UU the Vote organization and connect with other UUs from across the country and here at home. I have volunteered with UU the Vote for years and love their focus on education and engaging with traditionally disenfranchised voters.
As we all know, some people in this country are making it their mission to make it harder for others to vote. My Unitarian Universalism, my faith, believes in the power of our voices, words, and feet to make the world we envision come true.
Here at UUCWC, there are so many ways to get involved. Jamie Evanini oversees a letter and postcard writing campaign that can be done at home. She can be contacted at I’m sending weekly emails announcing the different UU the Vote opportunities for that week. If you want to get together with other UUCWC members while phone banking, we will participate in the national UU the Vote phonebank here at UUCWC on Tuesday, September 17, from 7 to 9 p.m. If you want to get on the email list to have these opportunities highlighted, contact me at To learn more about the different UU the Vote offerings, you can visit their website:
As Rev. Kim reminds us throughout this season, it is important that we do something, and it is important that we do something together. This is a really intense time, friends, and I encourage you to get involved in whatever way is best for you and to ground yourself as well. We’re in this for the long haul. So together, let us make our Heaven here on Earth and create the world we wish to see.
UUtheVote Update September 19, 2024: Last night, 18 UUCWC folks gathered to join over 50 nationwide callers for the weekly #UUtheVote phonebank! We were spotlit during the training and got a special shout out. Over one hour of calling, we all made almost 26,000 calls (their goal was 10,000), helped clean up Supermajority’s voter roles to make future phonebanks even more effective, and got 378 PA residents to commit to vote this November! This is huge! At UUCWC, 400 letters and postcards were also distributed by Jamie. If you want to get plugged into UU the Vote and other non-partisan Get Out the Vote efforts at UUCWC, email me at Thank you to everyone who showed up and thank you to everyone who is working to make a difference this election season!