Topic: A People of Possibility

The Wisdom of Wit

Through wit we can learn deeper meanings about life and all its possibilities. This Sunday, we will explore how the “funny” holds bits of wisdom. How the silly and the sage are more closely related than we might know or realize.

A People of Possibility

How might we practice and prepare the way for a communal spiritual exercise of “Why Not?” Listen to this sermon: August Theme: What does it mean to be a People of Possibility? Possibility is central to Unitarian Universalist faith. While others saw humankind as fundamentally depraved, early Universalists saw a possibility for redemption in everyone. … Continue reading A People of Possibility

I Ain’t Afraid

How is it to live as a feminist in today’s society? Sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? Terry Caton, Mary Ann Sprenkle and Jen Rehbein will give you some (possibly) surprising answers.