Topic: Balance

In for the Long Haul

We continue in our sermon series on the physical and mental effects of this past year and a half. We take this deep dive for healing and hope. UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details

Baby, We Need a Barn Raising!

We welcome Rev. Erin back to the virtual pulpit this Sunday for a conversation on acceptance and growth. UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details Rev. Erin J. Walter (she/her/hers) is a minister, activist, and musician based in Austin and winner of the 2017 Sermon Award from the UU Women’s Federation. A former … Continue reading Baby, We Need a Barn Raising!

Don’t Talk About It

We continue in our sermon series on the physical and mental effects of this past year and a half. We take this deep dive for healing and hope. UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details


We continue in our sermon series on the physical and mental effects of this past year and a half. We take this deep dive for healing and hope.Screen reader support enabled. UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details

What’s Going On?

This week we begin a 5-week sermon series on the physical and mental effects of this past year and a half. We take this deep dive for healing and hope. 

Spring Awakening

“Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body.”  As we did last spring, and as we will each spring, we gather this Sunday for a service of meditations.  “In Covenant and Forgiveness” sermon has been rescheduled to April 29th.   Listen here:

All In?

Sooner or later, no matter how successful our lives, our communities, or our life’s work, we will inevitably start to experience doubt and anxiety in our lives. As UU’s, doubt and questioning are part of the “DNA” of our faith, but they are not always welcome. Today’s service is a celebration of doubt, and what … Continue reading All In?

The Myth of Balance

We strive for balance. We engage spiritual practices for balance. Balance can be a spiritual practice. And yet, is it real? Is it attainable? And if not, then what? Due to logistical problems caused by recent inclement weather, the Trenton Children’s Chorus will not be joining us as scheduled; they will return at a date … Continue reading The Myth of Balance

The Elevator Speech

What is possible when we dream together, when we create together, when we believe in something with such commitment it is promised for the next generation? We gather this Sunday to celebrate the start of our Stewardship and Capital Campaigns – and all they make possible for now and for the generation to come. The … Continue reading The Elevator Speech