Topic: Belonging

The Landscape of Belonging

Guest Musician: Fareed Simpson-Hankins, trumpet Rev. Kim offers a Joys & Sorrows Sunday as part of our monthly theme of Belonging. NOTE: To protect the privacy of those who shared, the Joys & Sorrows portion of this service has been edited out.

On Loneliness and Belonging

Rev. Kim leads an exploration of the monthly theme of Belonging with its companion, Loneliness. October Theme: BelongingJust saying the word “belonging” conjures it up: The hunger to be included; the longing to be let in. No one likes standing outside the circle. No one likes leaning against the locked door listening to everyone laughing … Continue reading On Loneliness and Belonging

Coming In From the Cold

Rev. Sue Goodwin Individualism takes us only so far. In Zulu, there is a word “Ubuntu”. It is  translated as: I am because we are. Philosophically it implies a belief in a universal bond that connects all humanity. Our UU faith tradition reminds us of this truth with our 7th Principle: “Respect for the interdependent … Continue reading Coming In From the Cold

A Fierce and Compelling Power

Rev. Kim shares her sermon preached at last Sunday’s Murray Grove Retreat Center Homecoming on Universalism in the age of environmental and social justice. Music by Caryl Tipton. October Theme: BelongingJust saying the word “belonging” conjures it up: The hunger to be included; the longing to be let in. No one likes standing outside the … Continue reading A Fierce and Compelling Power