Topic: Heritage

In the Days of Their Flesh

We gather once again for our annual All Souls service: a day of remembering, honoring, and remembering forward. This service will also feature special music by the Crossing Chorale, and Simon Couchoud on oboe and English horn.

On What is Real and Who Gets to Decide

In 2018 Barbara Jensen underwent massive surgery to have a brain tumor removed. Her healing journey has been scientific and explorative. Through this auction-won sermon, Rev. Kim responds to what healing “works” and who gets to decide.

Messy, Marvelous Multiplicities

Who are we? How are we shaped in our lives today and from our past? This Sunday our intern minister, Lisa Schilansky, invites us to consider the many pieces of ourselves that we bring with us each time we gather.

This service will also feature special … read more.