Topic: Imagination

UUCWC Annual Generations Service: Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

10 members of the congregation, representing different generations from teens to 90s, reflect on the question, “What would you do with the rest of your life if you were to discover that time was on your side and you had all the time in the world?”  At 9am, Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement, … Continue reading UUCWC Annual Generations Service: Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

Who We Choose to Become

UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details. A service on imagining – and choosing- congregational life after the pandemic.  Video and audio only links below: Listen to the audio only by clicking below:

Inaugurating Hope

UUCWC will be holding one virtual service at 10am. Please check here for details. Join us for a service of reflection built around the poetry read at various presidential inaugurations. Below are links to the video and audio only of this service. Audio only below:


UUCWC held a vigil on 1/6/2021. Click here to read the poetry Rev. Kim shared during the service.